Super Standard PD (with extra vanilla) - 7th American Conts

RotomAppliance 3161

Simply PD, very similar to the list I took to UK Nats 2023. I like Corporate Hospitality as a midgame play, cutting one of the Regoliths for it, and I went to 2 Bran and 2 MIC for the large ice. I think the Regolith/Greasing/Hospitality slots are all flex and could reasonably be most combinations, but I wouldn't play more than one Corporate Hospitality.

I hoped PD would be good into an expected sea of Hoshiko, but didn't actually face that many of them. The deck went 4-2 over swiss and cut, beating Lat, Hoshiko, Esa and Ari, and losing to Ari and Hoshiko.

Thanks to NSG for a well run tournament! It was a lot of fun.

3 Jun 2024 aksu

Love PD still doing good.