A Feisty Geist Heist v.2

hewlett390 31

(MWL Legal) I'm absolutely desperate to get Geist to work, and I think I may have just cracked him.

Your ideal opening hand is a Forger, Scheherezade and Technical Writer, so you can start installing B&E breakers for free and make money through Tech Writer (or Scheh if you're installing Shiv or Faerie). If you see a Career Fair and a Contact, install it; with Data Folding, even better. ALWAYS MULLIGAN FOR FORGER.

Don't be afraid to get draw-happy at first, as this deck is a bit slower than other Criminals because you need to get everything set up. Snipe agendas out with Inside Job as needed until you have (general rule of thumb) at least 4 strength with one of each cloud breaker, then start running; Geist's ability creates a nice snowball effect that pays for you to run. (Using a Crescentus in the right place is always helpful as well.) Eventually, you may well find yourself with a Schehearazade filled with a 7- or 8-strength breaker that can break virtually any ice, then derez it when you're done with it.

Sherman and Zu.13 are there to create more of a permanent icebreaking situation once your B&Es are spent; hopefully, by then you'll have plenty of drip economy or are able to Siphon. (I had to swap out my Shrike to make room for the extra MWL influence for the 2 Clone Chips. Still of two minds as to keeping Shrike vs. Sherman, but the money's right for Sherman at 2 credits to install on Scheherazade.)

Once you run through your breakers and you still haven't won, just Levy and start the process over once again.

Obviously, this deck is better against glacier than more horizontal decks, but you can stave off flatlining by keeping a Fall Guy around or other trash cards for emergency draw, and get those Plascretes out if you think Scorch is in play.

Of course, feedback is super-welcome. Perfect world, I'd love to find room for NACH*/Film Critic, as well as Shrike.

*Yes, I know that Forger helps you avoid tags, but you want to avoid trashing that mid to late game as much as possible, only doing so to prevent flatlining. Otherwise, all your drip will turn off and all your B&E breakers go in the bin.