Nasir's Ordered Workshop

linduxed 9

I've lost track of what iteration of the deck this is, but suffice to say it has gone through a couple. This is a version that I've stuck with for some time now and I've been liking it so far.

Some things are similar to the deck it's based on, some things are very different.

How it plays

Starting hands

Just as with most Nasir decks, you want the Personal Workshop as soon as possible so you can make use of all the credits you'll get from rezzed ICE; it's so vital that most starting hands with a Personal Workshop in them will be auto-keeps.

If the starting hand doesn't have a Personal Workshop, then keep the following in mind:

If you get out Magnum Opus out on your first turn (whether it be through SMC-Credit-Credit-Opus, or playing it from your starting hand), then you'll be able to put a decent amount of pressure on the corp until you get your various resources up. I say decent because Nasir's ability will mess with the Magnum Opus fueled economy significantly.

Dropping Astrolabe first turn against a horizontal corp might give you enough cards to assemble the rig you didn't get in your starting hand. Earthrise Hotel is good for the same reason. In general, this deck is hungry for the next card in the stack. You'll want to draw as much as possible to fill up the Personal Workshop (or to find it in the first place).

If you don't have Personal Workshop, a fair amount of draw or Magnum Opus available then it's most likely not worth holding.


As mentioned above, you want to get the Personal Workshop out and start loading stuff onto it.

This version of the deck doesn't include Scavenge and has a reduced amount of Clone Chip. This means that you'll be keeping the various programs on board, building a giant rig instead of swapping things in and out. That in turn means that you'll at times be craving memory extensions. While I don't necessarily think CyberSolutions Mem Chip is a reason to keep a starting hand, you'll certainly be happy to see it when it comes by.

Keep in mind that without Scavenge, it can be good to delay the installation of the memory extensions sometimes. If you've already got a Clone Chip out, then playing a program which forces the Imp, D4v1d or Cerberus "Lady" H1 to be trashed, then playing the memory extension and finally bringing the trashed card back with Clone Chip is a decent way to get more mileage out of the cards.

With both Sharpshooter and Deus X available, assuming you have a Self-modifying Code out, you should be able to put on significant amounts of early-game pressure without being too scared about various nasty ICE.

Important detail: Ghost Runner is one of the cards that make this deck work; never underestimate how much this card can help Nasir after having his credits dropped far lower than he would have liked (whether it be through his ID ability or for some other reason). Subsequently you should be very careful about how you spend your Ghost Runner credits.

Same thing applies to D4v1d and Imp. While these can be refreshed under certain circumstances (as mentioned, Scavenge is not in this version), you'll want to make good use of their counters.