Noise (1st place, Stevenage SC)

beyoken 6110

23 player Store Champ, deck went 4-1 in Swiss, lost its only game in the cut*

This is standard Noise (betcha guessed by the deck title!), card for card exactly as with Theo's/Vetenari's winning Noise list.

NEH Matchup

You know it's a pretty serious tournament when all six decks you played against were yellow. Most of them were tryhard NEH Fastrobiotics, and contrary to what most might think, I feel that Noise has the upper hand in the matchup. Almost all my games involved the Corp getting to match point with Astro token(s) at some point in the game. But Noise is never fazed. Just keep calm and Clot on. Woe be on those who futilely purge turn after turn, only to face repeated Deja Vus. This gives you the upper hand in tempo, allowing for central pokes to eke out the win, or as with one game on the day, completely deck out the Corp.


First loss of the day was against Noise's worst nightmare: Museum of History NEH. Chris piloted it well, sneaking out the crucial first Astro naked and leaving me with no chance once he got the horizontal spam rolling.

Second loss was to Ollie - it was neck-and-neck the whole way through. I did eventually Clotlock him, but he managed to keep on top of the purging, leaving me with a final hail mary turn, having ran out of Clot recursion. 4 clicks, 2 creds, 2 D4v1d tokens, a Faust and a Mimic vs. nothing much in Archives, double ICE R&D with Swordsman, and Archangel HQ. Figuring he has been clotlocked and kept purging, I figured he had lots of agendas in hand. Being at match point I ran HQ 4 times, letting Archangel fire to demolish my rig, sadly missing the 1 in 5 Astro all four times (*despite losing this game, on that final turn I was 60% to win).

That stung hard since that was probably the right play! Could've installed Imp and ran HQ thrice, improving my odds on the final runs with 1 fewer non-agenda in hand. That would've actually lowered my win chance (55% to win).