Executive Founding: A Paradigm Shift in the Foundry

schum495 379

This deck functions as a HB rush deck. It uses its tutoring techniques and card draw from The Foundry: Refining the Process's ability, Executive Boot Camp, Architect, Green Level Clearance, and Jackson Howard to reliably find the right pieces of its deck at the right time.

It is an incredibly taxing deck for the opponent due to the speed (and cheap cost (thank you Executive Boot Camp!)) in which it lays its ice and the ICE synergies. Lag Time is the Current of choice due to the number of ICE that will be on the field, I had initially considered Enhanced Login Protocol, but early on came to the conclusion that the number of ICE in play and the credit tax of this deck justified Lag Time. After realizing I could replace my 3 Self-Destruct Chips for an addition Priority Requisition and use those extra two card slots for Ryon Knights, which would then benefit from Enhanced Login Protocol, the choice was much more swung in the favor of ELP. This is in part due to how ELP functions to tax the opponent for running on undefended assets.

Now to the main attraction... As the ICE piles up, NEXT Gold's punishment becomes more severe; usually this isn't an issue for the opponent as the ICE itself is relatively easy to break, and really only functions as a threat that can be overcome. Marcus Batty makes sure that one simply cannot run through NEXT Gold. If one is to succeed the Psy game before they encounter NEXT Gold then you can have one of the two subroutines fire twice, usually being the program trash unless they could not already break the ICE. If the number of NEXT ICE in play is higher than the number of cards in the runner's hand, then you have a 2/3rds (I know its not as simple as simple randomness) chance of flatlining them right there. Ryon Knight functions as a means of reducing their hand size so that this kill combo is more possible.

Even if the biggest thing you do with Marcus Batty and NEXT Gold is trash programs, that destroys the opponents rig state, which relative to the synergies within the this decks board state, is usually enough to win you the game.

if one places their Architect all over R&D, then you have an indestructible taxing server against decks that focus on ice destruction ( I mention R&D because shaper and Anarch both target the R&D). From my experiences with this deck it is not terribly vulnerable to parasites (other than NEXT Silver and early game NEXT Bronze), as Marcus Batty and NEXT Gold can be used to destroy parasites on important ice. On top of that, this deck has a whole bunch of tutoring and can use Jackson Howard to put the ice that you want back into your deck, which shortly find their way into your hand.

Siphons have never really been an issue due to the costs of rezzing the assets, Architect to bring forth assets, and the pay cost of Executive Boot Camp.

I believe this archetype to be one of the most competitive iterations of the The Foundry: Refining the Process, and would love to get feedback on this deck's design paradigm. This is the second version of this specific deck.

12 Jul 2015 KarzinomEngel

I like the idea... but not the agenda set. You can't score anything directly. And you are heavily relying on the ETRs of Bronze and Silver... otherwise a runner will run naked past your sentries after shutting down/parasiting/silverwaring your Bronze and Silver. ... For this archetype I would take out 1x Batty/Boot Camp/Eve and add 3x Lotus Fields. 19 ICE is probably better for this type anyway, because you are condensing your deck with the ID ability and Jackson rather quickly.

12 Jul 2015 ANRguybrush

imho you should include accelerated beta test. It's almost always worth it because of the "foundry trick".

15 Jul 2015 schum495

The Foundry is not an ideal deck to use Accelerated Beta Test in my opinion, as the ICE density decreases quickly after ICE become rezzed. I usually have my hand full, and spending an entire turn advancing an agenda to then tutor for another ice from the three cards hit by ABT sounds like I would be discarding more than I would prefer. I think this is a preference thing.

KarzinomEngel I have found a lot of truth in the issue you see in this deck. I will look into it further