Haas Deck 1.1 - killer?

tilphor 1

I'm just getting started with Deck Building, and I don't have many expansions yet. I'm trying to get a good killer deck with what I have. As with all beginners, I'm finding it challenging to balance all aspects to focus my deck. I would really appreciate any pointers you wonderful people might have.

In case it's not clear, I have the following sets: 1xCore, Creation and Control, Study in Static, and Cyber Exodus. I'm slowly getting the rest of Genesis, but I can't afford them very quickly.

18 Dec 2015 CTclone

You have Project Vitruvius. I find it very hard to justify Sentinel Defense Program over that.

Edge of World is very hard to land, especially when most of your ice is pretty expensive. You might be better off with something more reliable like Snare! if you particularly want traps.

Successful Demonstration is sufficiently unreliable that it is definitely worth cutting 1 to get to 3x Hedge Fund. (Whether you want to keep 2 Successful Demonstrations by cutting something else is another matter.)

Chum is a weird card. When it works out, it tends to be a cheap end the run ice, because they just jack out when they hit it, can't break it, and aren't sure that they can break the ice after it. When it doesn't work out, it's usually pretty weak, because the +2 strength on the ice behind it is usually not that great. Where it really shines is with 3 strength code gates or sentries: a Chum in front of one of those is a big problem for someone using Yog.0 or Mimic. You have a few of these, so maybe Chum is a good choice.

I don't think you have a good way to keep Director Haas safe. A fairly common combo, especially when using Director Haas' Pet Project, is to use Self-destruct: then when the runner goes in on your Director Haas, you can blow up her server, land some damage, and they don't get the points for trashing her.

Even without going all-in on fast advance, there is still a really good combo between Shipment from SanSan and Efficiency Committee. This exploits the fact that Efficiency Committee forbids taking the "advance" action but does not forbid "placing advancement tokens". The nice thing about this is that Shipment from SanSan also serves as decent economy (it saves you the 2 credits that you would normally have spent on advancements).

It's a bit hard to justify NEXT Design in a deck like this where your ice is pretty expensive. The core set ID is so strong that as a newcomer I'd recommend you make all your HB decks out of it.

You should generally run 49 cards and 20 agenda points in a 45 card minimum corp ID unless you have some particular reason not to. (For instance sometimes people run 40 card decks out of netrunnerdb.com.)

Zed 1.0 is pretty awful, I'd recommend that you don't use it. You'll have a lot more success here once you have Future Proof, which provides netrunnerdb.com

18 Dec 2015 CTclone

A minor catch I didn't realize: you don't have Self-destruct. With that in mind, I might suggest holding off on Director Haas altogether until you get The Source.

18 Dec 2015 BeermanBarman

A great place to start with deck building is a question.

"What is my winning condition?"

Meaning, how are you going to win and what are you going to do to create that condition?

So, I see two different goals in this deck and I'm not sure they necessarily work in tandem.

NEXT Design: Guarding the Net, Accelerated Beta Test and other cards make it look like you want to go fast and score out before the runner can catch up.

But Sentinel Defense Program, Cerebral Overwriter and Neural Katana make it look like you want to flatline the runner with nasty ice and traps.

All this isn't to say that you can't mix any peanut butter with your jelly, it's good to have a few cards that might surprise the runner and make them think twice about what they do. But if I opened the game with strong start via my NEXT ID, and followed it up with a successful Beta Test or Pet Project, I would think it would make more sense to press the advantage by going faster (Biotic Labor, Shipment from MirrorMorph) instead of wasting time hoping the runner falls into a trap.

As far as the deck in front of us here, I would say your economy is in pretty good shape but I would maybe swap the Successful Demonstrations for one more Adonis and Hedge Fund each. And if you're really serious about playing Next Design, I would cut the traps for even more ice, because using the card draw sim, it looks like you won't draw 3 pieces of ice in your opening hand but 27% of the time (not counting mulligans I guess).

18 Dec 2015 FarCryFromHuman

The first thing pretty much anyone is going to tell you is "Don't run Zed 1.0." It's a junky piece of ICE that can be countered in a dozen ways and dies easily to ICE removal.

With NEXT Design, I find the best strategy is to play it like Titan Transnational. Take the cheapest ICE and burstiest operations you have access to and put them in a deck with small agendas and you are on the right track.

Bioroid Efficiency Research is a good way to help with this strategy, but 3x is probably too many and you really only want to rez 2.0 bioroids with it (as they can rarely be fully broken without breakers).

Project Vitruvius isn't here and it should be. It's an excellent agenda for pretty much any deck and 3/2s are great for scoring out. While you claim to want this to be a kill deck, you'll quickly find that brain damage is not really a viable way to kill the average runner. Viability of kill strats boils down to meat > net > brain. You might look at Project Junebug and Snare. A bad run into 1-2 points of brain damage can quickly become a kill when paired with a chunk of net damage.

Edge of World is cheeky. I think its a good fit for NEXT glacier, which you are sort of flirting with.

All in all, not a bad first attempt by any means. I'd start with replacing the Zeds and some of the more expensive ICE with stuff like Enigma and Pop-up Window and see where that gets you.

19 Dec 2015 tilphor

Thank you everyone so far.

I am indeed going for a flatline deck rather than a rush or glacier deck. I didn't understand the hierarchy of damage. I will definitely take that into consideration. These are all some great ways of me focusing this deck.

I liked the idea of NEXT because I could get damaging ice out early, but I was unhappy with the cost of rezzing all that expensive ice. I'll try this with the core ID and see what I come up with. Part of it was an "OH Cool! I got a new HB ID!" when I got Creation and Control. Hehe. With my current knowledge, I still think HB is great for a flatliner deck. Am I wrong?

Thanks everyone. I'll make changes and update.

19 Dec 2015 BeermanBarman

So the thing about brain damage is that it's hard to get all the way to a flatline, but it can help you set one up. For instance you could take something like this deck and support it with Project Junebug or Snare!, and increase your odds of getting that bigger hit you need to put the runner away. A great HB identity for flatline play is Cybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded.