Keep Moving

obscurica 1317

Revisiting a prior Ken concept, now that Indexing and Doppelgänger are guaranteed back in. The whole deal is to just play a whole lot of run events, taking advantage of Ken's discount to afford a constant assault -- particularly on their primaries, though any open server will suffice.

The core strategy is straightforward: land an Indexing, then push in with Möbius, Mad Dash, or "Freedom Through Equality" to score out seven before the corp can catch their breath. You have two means to guarantee that, even in the face of strong opposition: bypass effects, like Inside Job, Abagnale, or Femme Fatale let you skip straight into the server. Or, high-efficiency breakers like Mongoose, Aumakua, and Paperclip make short work of even the stoutest defenses.

Doppelgänger also supports run-based triggers, like that off of Temüjin Contract, Aeneas Informant, The Turning Wheel, and Aumakua. But more devastatingly: it also compresses what would've been a three-click set of runs into two, allowing for a more efficient Exploit.

If the corp'd, up to then, spent their time investing in ice to ward off Tenma's approach, turning off their stoutest defenses constitutes a massive, crippling tax. Done at the right time, and the derezzed ice will stay off for multiple turns as Ken plunders ever deeper into R&D.

Finally: this deck has but one silver bullet. Due to the expected ubiquity of Jinteki decks, Obokata Protocol is in turn expected to be a common agenda. Film Critic neatly steps in to prevent Ken from eating a faceful of damage all at once -- or, should he face off against Weyland, from getting blasted by a Punitive Counterstrike. Aaron Marrón can play a similar role, in fact, by turning power counters into extra cards.

18 Sep 2017 zmb

What about Feint and Leave No Trace for easier HQ access when trying to Exploit?

18 Sep 2017 obscurica

@zmb Both are options. I didn't like Feint initially, but now I realize it triggers both Temujin and The Turning Wheel...