An Exploration of Throwback Format: ‘Ruhrstore’

Baa Ram Wu 2202

I'm going to be posting a decklist a day looking at the interesting side of Throwback Format deckbuilding.

What is Throwback Format?? Simply put it's Standard but you can add 1 full playset of a rotated card OR play with a rotated ID - Eric aka Whiteblade is running a Charity Tournament on the 5th using this tournament! More info here -

Now please feel free to stick 3x Account siphon into your reg 419 or Caprice Nisei into your Jinteki Glacier but if you could just wake me up afterwards from the coma inducing slumber you have put me in due to your unimaginitve deckbuilding!!

Click below for number 10:


Throwback Card: Ruhr Valley

Full disclosure time, this is the first of the lists I've published that I have not managed to get to work - however I'm gonna post it as an idea of concept as there is a disgusting combo here!

Ruhr Valley + Cold Site Server + MCA + 1 of either Border Control, Load Testing or Voting Machine Initiative counter = an unrunable server (assuming no tech on the runners side - hyperdriver etc.)

This allows you to smugly pump up your MCA behind a single piece of ice (sometimes no ice at all) and score out from hand or put an agenda in the server and make it unrunnable with cold site.

Unfortunately as with most impossible remote building decks you tend to just lose off centrals - Stargate & Turning Wheel all hose you pretty bad with the only way to draw through the lock that i could think of being Red level clearances (which are also v.good in Mirrormorph for gaining MM triggers.)

In an ideal world you would score a CST early, then a Voting Machine and plan to audacity out a Vitruvius from hand or a CST next turn from an 'impossible' server

This deck certainly could consider playing Scapenet for clearing The Turning Wheel which but it's unlikely to get even a trace 7 to stick with runners siphoning a million bucks left and right!

Ruhr Valley itself is a card that definitely has more teeth in a world where Border Control exists - is this the best deck for it? maybe not!