A love letter to Loup - 7th @Summer Showdown

wowarlok 1177

I started playing this archetype around the time @IonFox posted his list for Singapore nationals.
With him and a few other members of our team we tinkered and experimented with the list and the more we played the list the more I fell in love with it.

This deck has so many fun parts that make it interesting to play:

  • It's creative in the way it challenges ice, usingBotulus and Audrey v2 as the main tools, with a great ceiling, but also clear counters that the list has to find ways around, as well as a few fun includes, such as Tranquilizer, Alarm Clock and Hush, that alter the game state and ask the corp to find more answers.
  • It has Imp as its catch all win condition that pushes you to run aggressively and choke the corp out of resources. Controlling the game with proactive repetitive runs rather than sitting back and reacting to the opponent's moves.
  • It plays a risky but rewarding playstyle, with very few credits and always close to no stack left, trading safety for its powerful engine.

The deck has very few unfavorable match ups and is in general advantaged against a lot of corps. With that being said all the games demand a lot of skill expression feel always very rewarding because of the risky playstyle that balances on a knife edge. I've played some of the most fun games of netrunner with or against this deck recently and I genuinely feel like people will come back and revisit some of its match ups for fun in the future.

With the 24.05 SBL the deck probably has to change a lot: Friday Chip is far from being Knobkierie and while I don't doubt that there's a build that works, I don't know if it'll be powerful enough to battle at the top tables.

I really liked this deck and it's bitter sweet seeing it go, even if it's probably for the best. I'm very glad I could give it a proper send off at it's last tournament ❤️

20 May 2024 xiaat

NSG: prints Hammer as a way to combat AI based decks, demanding access to a decent killer at all times
Loup players: cut killer altogether 😎

Congrats on the placement!