Kit Lock and Key

daytodave 1224

Kit can land a T1 Siphon better than anyone, but she can only afford 2 AS in the deck, at the cost of almost all her influence. When Code Siphon comes out, she can use that T1 Siphon to install Magnum opus for 2 credits, or Torch for 6.

Keyhole gives massive upside to your CC on R&D, Deep Thought tells you whether you should make a regular run or Keyhole run for the turn, and also whether you need to tutor Imp.

Imp can be brought out against Scorched or Power Shutdown combos and fast advance. You have 17 Imp tokens to work with if you go all in with that strategy, which should be enough to disrupt any corp.

With Tinkering and SOT, Kit can get in for a LONG time with only a 2 credit Cyber-Cipher, or get in everywhere with a rig of Torch + Magnum Opus. If you find yourself building the rig and not needing Tinkering, a fun synergy with Keyhole is Kraken. Since Keyhole lets you stash agendas in Archives, you can save them until you're ready to Kraken once or twice on the same turn.