Nasir: Sage at the Shop

LSK 4674

I didn't see many Nasir decks with Sage, so here's one. The idea is that you draw out most of your deck with Replicator and, in the process, build up a large cache of recurring credits and MU to keep a large Sage going.

I've won more than half of my games with this deck, but I gotta say, it's a pretty bad deck regardless. It's got horrible problems with trashing assets, because the deck has to play close to the edge to capitalize on Nasir's ability and Order of Sol, and its burst credits (Stimhack) are lost at the end of a run. Paricia might help with that, but the MU could be an issue.

14 Feb 2015 FarCryFromHuman

If you are worried about burst creds, maybe a Kati Jones or three? Paricia seems like a natural add, but Scrubber wouldn't take memory. If you took Dyson Mem Chips instead of, say Akamatsus, you would have a lot more natural defense against tags so you wouldn't need to worry as much about your resources getting trashed vs the hardware you can easily protect.

14 Feb 2015 Thike

I've been mulling over a similar idea. I wonder if D4V1D recursion might be a better use of influence than HQIs 2 and 3?

14 Feb 2015 LSK

Kati Jones or Armitage Codebusting would be neat. The biggest problem with including any of them is figuring out what to cut! I think Net Celebrity is the weakest card in the deck right now; it's useful as a counterspell but could easily be an Armitage Codebusting reserve fund for trashing assets. I'm less excited about Kati Jones, actually, because you spend a lot of clicks on your setup and Kati Jones demands clicks while you're setting up before she's ready.

The deck definitely has the spare influence to swap out an HQI for a D4v1d and turn some cards into Clone Chip - though, strangely enough, it hasn't been a large issue. I suppose the deck's weak to Archer but there aren't many other high-strength sentries in the metagame.

14 Feb 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With Replicator, how often do you find yourself needing Diesel? Dropping 1 each HQI and RDI for CC's seems smart. Mimic always scares me in a deck with no ability to adjust ice/breaker strength or bypass/derez nastier ice, but the bases it does cover it covers very efficiently, and Garrote and similar killers are very expensive. Definitely some hard choices here. Maybe chuck a Toolbox and/or an Order of Sol for some slots?

14 Feb 2015 LSK

The deck's actually pretty tight - Diesel is important to draw missing pieces. I can see dropping down one HQI, but RDI feels important to the workings of the deck. The cuts I can see making are the 2 Net Celebrity and one HQI, which frees up three deck slots.