Still Panicking (25th @ Worlds 2023 CoS 3-2)

Gathzen 387

Thank you to NSG and all the people who were involved in the organization of Worlds. This was my first one and it was amazing!

Thank you to my teammates Robin (Startup) and Manuel (Eternal)! I'm really proud of what we accomplished!

This was my Runner deck.


This is a one card different copy of my French Nationals deck.

As I mentioned in that write-up, there were a few changes I was considering. Since I didn't have too much time in between and not much time to test, I didn't feel like it would be wise to change the deck drastically. So I decided to only do the changes I was certain of:

Not too much else to say about this deck that I didn't already say in the previous write-up.


It performed pretty well in my opinion, 3 wins and 2 losses.

  • Round 1 Vs 419: I played against Jakuza! It was an honor to play against him. I even won the first game! He conceded as I was in more of an advantageous position and we were already at half-time, so he decided to concede to move on to the next game. Since he was playing 419, I decided to slowed down my pace to setup safely and start scoring out while having a better chance of locking him out while still managing the install tax.
  • Round 2 Vs Nova: Since I know that this ID is not super consistent and might take a bit of time to setup, I decided to take risks and pushed pretty early the scores as I wasn't expecting my opponent to be able to answer quickly. Which worked out well for me and I won the game on time with 4 points scored early on.
  • Round 3 Vs Sable: My opponent had the most amazing turn 1 and 2. They started with so much gas that I was not able to setup quick enough to keep them out and I decided to concede to save some energy for later rounds as it was impossible to keep them out with the early momentum they had gotten. I also didn't have the best start and my ICE consisted of Ablative Barrier and Border Control and they had a turn 2 Curupira.
  • Round 4 Vs Hoshiko: I had a pretty rough start and drew mostly ICE and very little econ. I was able to stabilize quite well in the mid-game. My opponent was quite unlucky as they were not able to find their decoder, meaning they were locked out of a few servers.
  • Round 5 Vs Esâ: This was probably one of my most unlucky games as I didn't draw any ICE until I got 2 in the last 2 turns of the game (only 3 piece of ICE were trash by sabotage). I had to transition to an asset spam gameplan to throw them off and it kind of worked for a bit as I was able to score 4 points like that. When I was finally able to build a remote, II drew an Ikawah and was going to push it on the next turn. I had enough Seamlesses to score the agenda unadvanced off the board. Sadly the Runner ran HQ and got the 1 in 5 and won the game. If I drew a bit more ICE, I might have been able to win that one as they were running pretty low on econ and were playing an interesting low core damage and Divide and Conquer plus Twinning deck that sadly never really did what it was trying to do.

Possible changes

There is not much I would see myself changing in this deck. It performed well and I felt like my losses were due to misplays on my part or really unlucky draw. If I were to change anything, it would be some of the changes I talked about in my previous write-up, so adding some amount of M.I.C. or adding a 3rd copy of Manegarm.