No Surprises Andy (2nd @ Barcelona Regionals 2017)

vesper 237

A standard Andromeda set up with a few cards meant to make it work in the local meta. The day was rather long and I'm crap at taking notes during tournaments, so can't tell you exactly how it performed it different matchups.

During Swiss rounds, I played exclusively against different flavours of Jinteki (& IDed against Penguins), so let's say luck and skill (together with turn timing limits) brought me to the final cut, where I first got nicely steamrolled by IG courtesy of the tournament's overall winner, and then managed to chop my way through the intricate losers' finals and what not using my PU to secure the second spot (more details on the PU deck on its own page).

What's in here and why:

Film Critic x2 - in the local meta Aaron (while great) does not save you from all the nasty after-effects of stealing an agenda, so they did some work on the day (more than Aaron, who was slightly useless since I haven't faced a single NBN/Weyland).

Kati Jones - only one, but a great way to spend a click each turn setting up some extra money to get you in where you need to.

Keyhole - my preferred choice for disrupting the Corps' game plan that's cheap enough to import from Anarch. Medium was a "maybe", but the omnipresence of Snares and other assorted pleasantries made Keyhole a much more viable alternative. Also, safely milling Jinteki out in a prolonged game of tricks and traps felt good ;-)

Baba Yaga - probably the most "say what?" choice in this deck; since your plan is to pressure centrals (Accounts Siphon / Keyhole / Temujin on Archives), you're using cheap central-only breakers... that can magically be turned into cheap "anywhere" breakers thanks to this card.

Mammon - because Baba Yaga does not break the likes of Excalibur and/or solo Mother Goddess.

The other ICE-breakers are meant to be cheap (with the exception of Abagnale and allow you to make good use of your Siphon/Temujin money in order to Keyhole whatever you need the Corp to not get, fast.

System Seizure - works splendidly well with Baba Yaga and I would have included two, but Employee Strike is still a staple. I don't think I made a Runner/Corp deck with fewer than at least two currents in quite a while...

All in all, this can definitely be streamlined, improved, iterated upon, etc. but I don't think I'll have a chance to play competitively before the rotation hits, so I guess it's time to say "bye" to Andromeda and "hi" to some newer kids on the block.

3 Jul 2017 TKMaximus

Why Box-E? Just for the extra MU?

4 Jul 2017 vesper

@TKMaximus Yes. Relatively cheap 2 MU in a single card that also adds 2 to your hand size. It's not Desperado, but you should have enough money from other cards. Without this MU, it's hard to have everything you need to run everywhere + Keyhole.