Team RC (D&D Updated)

Nordrunner 4152

So this is the latest rendition of the original HB Glacier deck I built some time ago. It is without a doubt the best rendition of this deck. There are 2 major changes to the deck that are very important, Team Sponsorship and Global Food Initiative.

Team Sponsorship is an extremely powerful card. I initially misjudged the power of this card, and now realize it's significance, not just in HB but in NEH+. In HB TS shines most with Accelerated Beta Test. I score ABT in guarded remote with ash and/or caprice. Run ABT, get ICE (maybe), if I drop an agenda, lock it right back into guarded remote. With multiple TS's rezzed, it gets really ugly really fast for the runner. It is a must trash, and with so much stuff that needs to be trashed it puts a lots of pressure on the runner.

The second major change is playing 3 Global Food Initiative. This significantly helps in that most games the runner will need 4 agendas to win. Hades Fragment is the only 3 pointer the runner can steal so protect this card or score it asap. Most people's chief complaint about this style deck is the vulnerability to R&D digs. While in some respects the 8 agenda deck is good at hiding agendas, losing a 3 pointer was always devastating. The runner will now usually have to find HALF of your agendas to win.

One small change is adding Breaker Bay Grid. This shouldn't surprise anyone, it's a fabulous econ card for this build.

Something to remember when playing this is to know your opponent. If you are playing vs Noise or most Shapers, you will have to push the pace. Extra drawing and rush scoring. Get to 5+ points ASAP, you want them chasing remote bluffs to drain their credit pool if you need to. The longer games against shapers and Noise go, you are usually increasingly less likely to win.

For many other runners it might be proper to take your time. Protect and hide your agendas. and setup massive servers. People who play RP should easily be able to relate to this style. Jackson Howard out the agendas if you must in order to find your pieces. Criminals, and other Anarchs will often have a hard time with deep and strong servers. You just simply defend like crazy in the opening, prioritize setting up your long term econ and centrals. Crisium and Cyberdex can help you get out of pinches, use them wisely. Eventually you have servers that are either impossible or too taxing to run frequently. In longer games you are more likely to have a remote with Caprice and Ash, so often runners will simply neglect the remote. This limits the runner to winning in centrals, since you know where your agendas are (maybe HQ or R&D), tax the server where the runner is most likely to win. They will have a limited number of runs and based on the agenda build, you will often win the battle of attrition.

If I were going to a major tournament where Data & Destiny were legal, this would be the deck I would play. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

15 Sep 2015 sruman

Thanks for posting. Wondering about quicksand. With no other obvious quick parasite targets, it seems as though it is not going to last long in this crazy anarch filled world. What has your experience been with quicksand?

15 Sep 2015 Nordrunner

@srumanQuicksand could be Wall of Static, or something else, its not always great, but can be pretty decent against some Shaper and criminal builds. Overall I think some of the ICE is interchangeable based on personal preference and/or meta.

16 Sep 2015 apo

Nice iteration Nords. It is getting really close to Polish HB archetype now, except for the ICE suite. Global Food Initiative really gives a nice boost to those builds. Regarding the final 5/3 though, I am really sold on Eden Fragment. Hades is better against Noise, but vs the rest of the field Eden does amaizing work.

16 Sep 2015 clercqie

Team Sponsorship compensates for the lack of Eden Fragment, I think...

I've used Viper in the past, but the combo Enigma/IQ is too good to ignore. Enigma is way more robust as early protection and IQ is equally taxing as Viper in the late game, while providing no loopholes early as well. IQ is also good everywhere, whereas I would be wary to drop Viper on my remote.

17 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

Viper has the advantage of sniping a click or getting the runner to run last click early on, which hampers their development. I can't say IQ is as good, IQ has good plays like pushing out NAPD behind a 1 to rez ice....what could it possibly be? Psuedo Quandary. Also many other plays, but ya know, I'm sure yall know them.

17 Sep 2015 Friff14

Do you find you have enough copies of Caprice Nisei and Ash? I feel like there's not enough Ash to cover yourself. Love the deck though. Global Food Initiative seems like the next logical choice here. Red Coats was the deck that taught me to play well, so I really want to try this. Have you been having success with it?