Implant DDT

esutter479 322

If the title confuses anyone, the Implant DDT is a devastating move in professional wrestling that Bobby Roode currently uses to finish matches, and that Edge and Gangrel used to use back in the Attitude Era days. It's basically predicated on the idea that one or two, perhaps, glory runs on R&D or HQ (depending on where I think the agendas might be) will win me the game. If not, then I run my ass out of cards and the Corp scores out or kills me, slow-burn style.

That said, I have a really good track record with this deck. Whether that means getting a little lucky early on and sniping floods (which ARE going to happen more now, so oh well), or building a bit of a rig and being able to make just a few runs that really count, I've managed to accomplish my goals almost every time and that makes me very happy to post this. :)

My goals - 1) Draw like crazy and get my breakers in the bin. Even against Skorpios, it works cuz the ID doesn't fire on discards. Overdrawing helps quell the Skorp shinanegans anyway.

2) Money up fairly hardcore. Even if the Corp manages to sneak one or two agendas out via 1 or 2 ICE remotes, or FA tactics, this should give you enough time to play those coupons (Fair, Modded) and get the Spinal Modem and a breaker (hopefully Atman or Clippy) installed.

3) Feed the Implant! The Baby alone combos very well with Laguna Velasco District. Toss in Severnius and you've got money AND multi-access when you want it. Can't beat that, IMO. Suckers are there for a little insurance, so you don't need to lean on 'em, and it's ok to Inject them out.

4) SoT. Hit up the Levy. Kill some ICE. Hell, do BOTH!

I played a wicked long game against a Tennin a couple days ago. I did my best to NOT let him fire his ID, but couldn't hold him off forever. I was on 6 points and he was on 4. He knew he wouldn't be able to stick a remote score on me, so he waited until I could no longer run on HQ. I ended up finally Spooning his lone Miraju, and running HQ with a Kakugo as the outermost ICE and Hortum (w/Atman 4 + Spinal Modem) as innermost. Thanks to Cutlery, I was able to get in and on my last possible run, (I had to lose my last card to net damage, 0 in stack) I YOINKED me a Braintrust...1 in 5 shot. Great game, and tense ending!

All in all, I've been tremendously satisfied with how this deck compliments my aggressive early-game style, and allows me to build up as I need to and then just time a nasty (or sometimes lucky) final strike! :) I'd like to see what other people think of this...if it's great, or how to make it better, etc. :)

5 Oct 2017 esutter479

Side note - This deck IS legal for tournament play. As I was building it, I just forgot to change the 2 Core 1.0 Suckers to Core 2.0 Suckers. Dangit. :-|