An honest Skorpios - 1st @ Turin SC 27/1/2018

Berzelius 301

This is the deck I brought to the Turin Store Championship (27/1/2018). MWL 2.0 and rotation were enforced. The last legal pack was TD/Revised Core.

Nothing new to say about this deck, just rush agendas and RFG your opponent's breakers whenever you can.

Quick report:

Turn 1 - against Paolo (Steve Cambidge): I don't remember this match really well, but I do remember that I needed a double Archer remote to win against Paolo's crazy deck.

Turn 2 - against Edo (Hayley): we played a lot together to test both our decks, so we knew really well our matchup. I managed to score 5 points before he started to lock my R&D (where he trashed all my Battys). After a while, we were at 5-5, with no way for me to score an agenda by putting it into a remote, but I had an Audacity in hand. At some point, I click-drawed an Atlas and I had to keep it in hand until the next turn in order to score it. He played Legwork, but he didn't see the agenda, allowing me to score it in the following turn.

Turn 3 - against Darta (Val): quick win, I rushed a couple of agendas and scored the last one thanks to Marcus Batty.

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