Nasir's New Toys

Paricia 15

An update on my previous Nasir deck, with small changes to accommodate upcoming cards.

Film Critic is naturally the highlight here, letting you tackle NAPD, TFP, and Midseasons/Punitive agendas with much less stress. Because Nasir's natural poverty problems are alleviated by this card, I swapped out 1 Ghost Runner and 1 Toolbox for these.

I'm almost certain that Snatch and Grab will become meta in response to this card, especially if Nasir gets more popular - and unlike other runners he's largely defenseless against it. As such, you'll probably want to hold the second copy in your hand in preparation for it. You might even delay the first until you get an RDI down, but that's down to the draw. You can also use your Imp counters to chuck any S&G's you find in R&D, since agendas are less problematic - they probably will run two at the most.

I've swapped both Street Peddlers with Drug Dealers. As far as I know, you can trigger Sol on your turn after they've taken effect, essentially losing nothing so long as you make sure to empty your wallet on the corp's turn. We'll see how this goes - I feel like faster draw is a boon in any Workshop deck. At the same time, though, Drug Dealer sort of restricts Armitage use (it's less efficient to just sit on your credits if need be), and it's hard to tell how much I'll lose from Peddler's ability to 'hide your power level' (so to speak).