Self-Damage Whizzard (draft)

phette23 2279

This is a Joseki cube draft deck I made at Kingdom Con in San Diego. You draft the whole card pool as 3-ofs (if you get a card, no one else does, & you can play 1-per-deck cards as 3-ofs). You draft IDs but don't obey influence limitations.

My first pack of draft IDs included Whizzard & Andy, easily two of the best general purpose IDs. I took Whizzard out of loyalty and then, about halfway through the draft, realized the entire Salvaged Vanadis Armory combo was available. I landed almost every combo piece but absolutely no draw (despite looking for it for a while) so it didn't end up working out, but it was neat to build a pretty faithful interpretation of the self-damage deck in draft despite never having played that deck.

I got Temüjin Contract with a first pick & landed Employee Strike as a value pick halfway through a pack. I also was passed the Sacwrm combo in almost consecutive packs. The whole Vanadis suite ended up being a trap because without enough draw to assemble pieces it does very little, especially without I've Had Worse. I had a choice of Same Old Thing vs Legwork & took SoT (knowing Strike was my only good target) then didn't even play it—in retrospect, Legwork with better draw & breakers is always a better deck.

I'm missing 3 cards but I don't know if my quantities are exactly right or if I played some other staple (probably an economy card) at 3x.