Deepest Jank

Diogene 4178

Achievement Unlocked! Wins games with Superdeep Borehole!

This deck wins games just because Pinhole Threading is not really played anymore.

I should've slotted Pinhole

Game plan : put Superdeep Borehole in a remote and protect it with your life. Sometime, you get to punish the runner for scoring.

Mulligan plan : get Superdeep Borehole, that is the only plan.

Switch out Above the Law for City Works Project, to power up Punitive Counterstrike.

Never aim to score out with this deck, if you think about doing this, look for a better Outfit deck, this is not it.

We have money. Not just plenty of it, but a fountain of it. Even our trash makes money. And sometime, we ask a consultant to bring us more.

Here, Bio Vault is better than Anoetic Void, because it stop the only real problem for us.

Formicary allows us to do double duty at putting more ice on the remote for free, and doing the double Skunkworks trick by moving it after the runner has paid for Manegarm.

Magnet is there because Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist and ANARCHS are mainstream.

Agendas are as few as possible. SDS Drone Deployment slows the runner and Send a Message rez ices for us (making it less likely to lose them to Hermes).

The plan is simple, win or concede. Because if we have 5 bad pub, we might as well be iceless, with no fast advance trick.


30 Aug 2023 Diogene

Switch out Above the Law for City Works Project. It power up Punitive Counterstrike and nobody play Mad Dash.


6 Sep 2023 napalm900

Have you had many borehole wins? I'm on a mission to get at least one! I'm trying an outfit deck with ablative, funhouse, b-1001, border control, formicary, and manegarm just to get to it to stick, oh and lots of zato. I tried with lots of bad pub but I found it was just too much credits for the runner to trash stuff with. So now I'm trying with you econ ideas. Thanks for the inspiration as always!

6 Sep 2023 Diogene

@napalm900, yes, I've had a couple of wins : Superdeep wins

In casual, this deck won against :

Borehole wins

I think the secret sauce is Bio Vault. It really made a difference in a some games. No runner want to pass 3 ices twice. Once, I stopped a last click access on Archive to stop the runner from stealing their 3rd agenda, letting me win on my turn with Superdeep Borehole.

The other trick of the deck is that there is no other source of bad publicity in it. A 3 ices remote is still an expensive proposition, even with 5 bad pubs, thanks to Surveyor and sometime the combo of Manegarm Skunkworks + Formicary. If at the end of the run, the runner must still be booted by Border Control or Bio Vault, most runner will (correctly) try to win on centrals.

If you try it and is work, tell me about it please. Cheers!

14 Apr 2024 SlaaneshDevotee

Love this rundown, thanks for sharing after playing my borehole!