Instant Shipment

FishbaitHarry 12


I originally created this deck as a joke. I took inspiration from many similar Cerebral Imaging + Trick of Light decks, but decided to create one that would take adventage of full-deck Power Shutdown. I was extremely surprised to find that this deck actually managed to win multiple casual games (about 13 out of 15), even against opponents who knew how it worked.

How it works

First you protect your HQ with ICE and try to draw as many cards as possible until you have the combo. To start the combo you need to have at least 10 credits and a full hand (of good cards) and you need plenty of practice to nail it down. There are thousands of possible combinations, example combo below.

  1. Biotic Labor (just one will do).
  2. Shipment from Mirrormorph (install 1-2 Efficiency Committee and 1-2 Howard Jackson).
  3. Power Shutdown your entire R&D.
  4. Remove Jackson to shuffle on 2 Shipment from SanSan and 1 Interns.
  5. Accelerated Diagnostics to play all 3 above operations.
  6. Use Shipment from SanSan to score Committee, use to it get 3 clicks.
  7. Use Interns to install anoter Comittee or Jackson from Archives.
  8. Repeat points 4-7 two times.
  9. You might need a Project Wotan or an extra Shipment from hand to get the last point.


  • This deck uses a limited pool of cards, it is certainly possible to upgrade it with cards newer than Mala Tempora, but I did not test that yet.
  • This deck is very bad against Account Siphon, Sneakdoor Beta and Clot.
  • It is much easier to get the combo off than it first looks, much easier than in Trick of Light based solutions.
  • I'm open to suggestions, especially when it comes to ICE and economy.