Clone B Ball

Snake Eyes 4657

Come one, come all, and watch our finest athletes play Clone B Ball in space! We'll attach these awesome jet packs onto clones specifically genetically engineered to for combat and sporting, all for your viewing pleasures!

Starting lineup:

Scoring tonnes of 1 point agendas. Fast advancing stuff. HB is a pretty good manufacturer for the crazy sports stuff we make our assets do... if you kill them for 4credits a pop... we'll just rebuild them later... their lives as clones exist solely for our profit and your viewing pleasure!

The defense:

Double Architect, to throw more sweet sweet assets, and it's permanence on the board... Archer, because 1 point agendas are a-plenty in this deck to throw out... and with Blacklist it can really shut down runners who only run with Mimic.

Little Engine is Faust protection. It can also just shut people out of a SanSan City Grid for a short period of time if you actually want to defend a rezzed one.

Launch Pad should almost always come back off of agenda scores, so much money there.

Exploda is there to generate you funds, so you can score an agenda that you actually want. It also can punish people who don't face check.. eventually you'll get a biotic or an astro token and you can just score it out.

2x Cyberdex Virus Suite and 1x Blacklist to shut down Clot. Blacklist shuts down so much more too. When FA is left wide open, Fast Track is just amazing to flip astro tokens from mid-deck with.

Debating cutting 1x Tollbooth for another Wraparound.