Dockland Genomics

CodeMarvelous 20021

14 Mar 2015 Yubinshan

CM, did you find this deck worked well? I designed a very similar one a couple of weeks back, but my opportunities to play are limited and I don't want to bother constructing it if it's going to be a bust.

14 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

still testing

14 Mar 2015 Oisin

I tried an Industrial for awhile that used SanSan City Grid. Two things: first, Shi.Kyū is better than Ronin. Especially with this little end the run ice. You want them to really, really hate running archives. Second, I love the idea of Housekeeping here--that could be so punishing. But Blue Level Clearance or Green Level Clearance really shine in this deck, helping you to over draw and throw traps into archives.

I can't say how good the deck will be with Docklands, but I can say it was much better than I thought it would be with San San.

19 Mar 2015 sonatinas

wow, i am testing something similar and thought I'd check deck lists and see if anyone is doing the same thing. Hope yours goes well.