Angel of Duggar's

Karnek 22

This deck is designed to do one thing, and it does it well. Drawing and utilizing the cards it draws while discarding as little as possible.

You'll notice that outside of Blackmail, there aren't really any other cards utilizing the bad publicity. This is by design as when I started with the itinerant protesters/Investigative journalism I found that I'd spend the entire game building up for the corp to win. If the corp is not running bad pub removal then great, I can blackmail 9 times. If however a corp drops and rezzes an Elizabeth Mills turn one about 9-12 cards in those other builds are dead draws while in my case I lose out on three cards.

This deck has a card that some might consider out of place, Rachel Beckman. She is an absolute star if you are not playing against NBN fast advance. If you have a liberated account installed you can take 8, install her, take the other 8 and you're running with 5 clicks forever. When spending an entire turn using Duggar's you really want that extra click to install an Origami you just drew to hold even more of the cards.

It allows you to install and clear Liberated Account to burst from 6 to 16 credits in one go. If you have absolutely nothing else to spend your click on, which should be VERY rare, you can always pump Kati and prepare for the next turn.

Through playing this deck with Ekomind I feel a few warnings are in order. IF YOU INSTALL EKOMIND FIRST YOU WILL LOSE. I can't stress that enough! If you ever drop your hand size by installing a card that memory unit is gone instantly. It's also why we can't run Levy AR Lab Access because Lukas ruled that you temporarily drop to 0 MU then back to 5 which trashes all of your programs in one go. You can also leverage your massive MU advantage with Sage to cut through servers with relative ease. In the beginning it won't be strong, but it's strong enough to get through an early wrap around/quandry, and besides you have Blackmail to get through when you think the corp is trying to sneak out agendas.

Data Folding is a relatively new addition to the deck but I've found that if you install it early you will never want for cash. Having all three in play on a turn when you use duggar's provides you with tons of flexibility, since we want to be dropping our Origami, not clicking for credits. If you are ever straight clicking for credits, short of the first turn to install liberated accounts, something has gone horribly wrong.

There are a large number of programs that you may or may not ever install. If you're facing blue sun you'll be so happy you have D4v1d there to trash that OIA curtain wall turn one to deny them that huge lead.


Caprice on a remote: if you blackmail a remote and they rez caprice/ ash and you lose the psi game you're in serious trouble. We have Unregistered S&W '35 to kill off the ones they rez but you're only going to be able to blackmail so many times and using one to get through HQ to kill a caprice only to run into an Ash totally blows. This will be mitigated further in the 4th datapack of the San San cycle with Drive By where you can expose a card in a remote and if it's an upgrade or asset you trash it.

If the corp is running executive bootcamp you're going to have a really bad time as well. Since the corp is likely sitting on a pile of cash and can afford to bring those centrals and remotes online.

Scorched Earth - Ahahaha just kidding. Ever see what someone who is running scorch does when they have their opponent holding 14 cards in hand? They cry a little then throw all of them straight into the trash. Nobody is killing you with scorch unless you were super unlucky and died before you got set up.

23 Feb 2015 airmarkus

"The Duggie"! :)