I Think I'm A Clone Now [Kenma's Seeing Double]

HurtMePlenty 7

The Jank is Strong with this One.

Run Events for drip Economy and Starlight Crusade to Power Nap for days! Events and Console for Draw. Tutor for Breakers but don't lose 'em. Real runners don't need recursion! Planned Assault to pull out the Right Run at the Right Time. Lawyer up to keep the Tags at bay.

Also 46 cards because why not.

9 Jul 2018 Jure

No Comet in doubles deck? Dude, do you even double?

1 Aug 2018 HurtMePlenty

@Jure Never even considered that! Might sack Power Nap (as good as it is) to free up some influence for that as an alternative to Paragon. Also if I can find replacements for Lawyer Up and Starlight Crusade Funding then we could have a tournament legal deck on our hands.