Mindmelting - Nottingham Outlaw CO

MattOhNo 29

I didn't really expect to play in the CO I was running, so I didn't build anything - just what jnet casual homebrew nonsense I've been playing recently. And taking to Monday night casual, because I'm a bad person.

It is pretty bad, all the more so when you're not playing online and people actually take care with their runs. I dropped to keep numbers even after round 3, but this deck is only middling, so I think the only direction it was headed was down - at least after losing on time with just a single agenda stolen vs CableCarnage (not that I think there was much chance of a win there).

In terms of actual card analysis, there's not much - Phoenutria rocks and presents a horrible fork, and Moon Pool is a real card, and you should consider it.

My thanks to Dice Cup for being a great venue, to dreadmaw for helping me organise the event, mcg for bringing down 20+ copies of TAI, and a huge Thank You everyone who came to Nottingham to make the biggest CO so far in the NSG era