NBN Tag and Bag

Starlight 1

A first attempt at an NBN fast-advance deck with a tag and bag kicker. Standard Midseason/ Psychographics combo and mixed asset/operation economy. Win condition is either to fast advance via Astro, Misdeason, and Psycographics, or to stick a tag and double Scorched Earth.

If you have double SE, Breaking News, and Midseason in hand, you can play Breaking News and advance once. If they don't steal Breaking News, advance once, score it, and double SE. If they steal it, you can then play Midseason and double SE. Even if you don't get the kill, the mere threat of SE will make the runner play out Plascrete and keep a big hand, which drains their resources and turns on Sweeps Week.

Not sure at all about the ICE - I've chosen mostly cheap, taxing ice with some more expensive stuff. NAPD and Breaking News are both disappointing to steal, and none of your assets really need to be protected.