[StartUp] Esâ @ Worlds 10th in SSS

willybn1 130

Third day Startup Single Sided Swiss. As with the B-COM I played Esa and NEH.

R1 Corp win vs zobiak (Pol) Loup R2 Runner win vs vaclav (cz) NEH R3 Runner loss vs TheRobin (Swi) Restoring Humanity R4 Corp loss vs BaaRamWu (UK) Arisanna R5 Runner loss vs kris (US) Restoring Humantiy R6 Corp loss vs drager (Ita) Steve Cambridge R7 Corp win vs simili (Swe) Captain Padma R8 Runner win vs monra (Esp) NEH R9 Corp win vs ARPi (Bel) Quetzal R10 Runner win vs zensiert (Ger) Precision Design

Both runner and Corp went 3/2 getting me 10th which I was super stoked about and a great way for my running to end on the weekend.

Super shout out to the organisers and volunteers

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