
CelestialSpark 321

Revised from https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/49189/apocapocalypse# to pack a lot more punch. Your goal is to keep ice counts down on centrals by threatening remotes with low ice counts. Sneak in money when you can. This deck is gimmicky, but it has a surprisingly good win rate for a deck whose only way to get into a scoring remote is to play the card equivalent of flipping the table.

Fisk Investment Seminar while Unscheduled Maintenance is active can make the corp choose between milling ice or throwing agendas into archives, though sometimes they'll luck into three economy cards.

Play Apocalypse using run events and/or Eater right as the corp is starting to get set up, then use Independent Thinking to surge draw and trash your rig for recursion (you can even leave 2 credits on Armitage Codebusting if you value the draw more than one extra credit). Having Unscheduled Maintenance active when you play Apocalypse puts the corp in a really, REALLY uncomfortable spot for a few turns as they scramble to both protect centrals and set up a way to score again.

Levy AR Lab Access gives you a whole new set of run events and more apocalyptic fun. It's a serious threat to a corp who now only has a few pieces of ice in their whole deck.

Early Bird and Doppelgänger give you the ability to play Apocalypse and follow with Legwork, or play part of your Apoc combo with Same Old Thing, or play Apoc on a turn where you've lost a click to a corp card effect.

Once we get Diversion of Funds, Ken and Eater will get a lot nastier together. Expect to play much faster with less clicking of Armitage.

Why the Eden Shard? Because, should the corp try to slow the pace of the game down too much or lock you out near the end of the game, you have the ability for force 18 extra draws from the corp over the course of the game from the Fisk Investment Seminars. Eden Shard makes it 22 and emphasizes the decking possibility as a secondary victory condtion, plus leads to the corp starting a turn with 11 cards in hand (ideally when they want to advance an agenda instead of playing any). You could use something else easily, though.