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This is about as generic as you can get with a startup kit list with a very simple gameplan: Make a whole bunch of money, steal one agenda from the remote with a lobi, then use cataloguer to grab the remaining points from RnD (with maybe one other agenda as an accidental pickup from a required remote disarm or HQ poke).
While you do have an exceptionally strong remote contest, startup economy isn't strong enough for you to contest absolutely everything in the remote, especially against lists with mean sentries (Hammer/Archer/Cloud_Eater), so don't be afraid to let them score out once if needed. If there's just a single ice on a remote, you do also have the option to poke it with a Slap Vandal as a low commitment break, but idealy you're going to be spending your first four turns or so just moneying up and drawing so you're ready to drop the lobi.
Mulligan plan should be for fermenters and diesels. If you do get an early Trick Shot, think carefully before using it, it's very important as a money card for the few turns after you drop the lobi where you're most vunerable to having agendas scored under you.
Possible changes are changing out some of the dirty laundries for more overclocks and changing the airblades out for burners. Sentry breakers is a choice between Carmen and Boi-Tata, tata technically has the cheaper breaks but when you can't get the cost reduction it's really painful. On the larger scale, you could also change the cataloguers and play with the influence to get the Girls multiaccess package in, but this would probably mean dropping the fermenters, and there just isn't a good replacement for them.