Reina's Underworld

Pinkwarrior 2351

The deck is built on link allowing you to use underworld and get real value out of spinal at very low risk.

With the link str high this also allows me to use Creeper and ZU.13 without using MU and gives me some backup breakers incase of no datasucker's or Lotus Filed.

With spinal down plus underworlds pumping out creds each turn and a fixed breaker suite down runs become next to nothing if not nothing to do plus d4v1d can deal with large threats for free.

8 Sep 2014 iMarco

Nice concept. No slot for the Rabbit Hole?

8 Sep 2014 iMarco

Also: no Aesop's Pawnshop with Wyldside seems a tad risky, especially in the mid-late game.

8 Sep 2014 d4spien

I would put in Helpful AI since it's a connection too

8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

@iMarco No rabbit hole needed only need the 1 link for the deck to get working and for the influence plus more 1c per link it seems best left out.

Yeah no Aesop's i would kinda like it but at same time theirs only wyldside and d4v1d id use it on. Instead i decided to focus on keeping the econ click less and just living with wyldside using a levy where/when needed.

8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

@d4spien Yeah helpful AI would be useful a searchable link is nice and useable with the breaker suite, but on the flip side with a wyldside down i have no trobble getting the deck rolling. I could look at swamping a Special order for helpful it's worth trying out at any rate.

8 Sep 2014 iMarco

I would drop 2x Hostage for 2x Aesop's Pawnshop.

8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

@iMarco The hostage's are important for getting all your Underworlds as quick as you can. id sooner drop the Levy or Special Orders.

Thanks for your comments though feel free to try it out maybe am wrong on that point but i believe the Asop's isn't that important for this build.

8 Sep 2014 WardOfTheWoods

I would drop the Access to GlobalSecs for Dyson Memory Chips to better support your extra programs. Others have said about how risky Wyldside is without Aesop's, I'd drop at least one and add some more econ, preferably Kati Jones since you can Hostage for her.

8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

@WardOfTheWoods I have tried Kati actually but with wyldside up it is next to useless. If the Aesop's was in then yes id put kati back in.

Access is cheaper and on that front is better than Dyson getting my econ moving for less is important, that said i have thought about dropping 1 of them for dyson as without a djinn i can only the 1 extra program down which isn't good.

I'll try a build with Dysons in at some point and maybe even a build with Aesop's and kati

8 Nov 2014 spanargoman

Didn't realise I created a deck with an almost identical name to yours. Am curious why you chose not to have Cyberfeeder but go only for the higher risk Spinal Modem. Also how often did you find that you needed to use Levy? And did you feel like using Hostage for Underworld Contacts disrupts your tempo rather significantly?

12 Nov 2014 Pinkwarrior

@spanargoman First off Hostage yes and no on disrupting tempo it slows down that turn but gets your income running quicker which is important. As for spinal well you only need 1 spinal to get the same benefit as 2 Cyberfeeder's income wise and gives a much needed +1 MU, and no i don't find i often use the LALA but i do play a PE jinteki player alot and i need it about 50% of the time when playing that deck. you could probably make room for a couple of Cyberfeeders tbh and that would help improve the deck also.