Librarian Buzz

LynxMegaCorp 1343

Anyone who knows me understands my obsession with London Library. I think "Buzz" is a great candidate for LL, drawing at least 1 card each turn. Click efficiency never looked so good!

Before you dismiss this engine, consider a normal turn:

Click 1: Chameleon with LL. · Draw a card. · +1 Click from Autoscripter. · Up to three credits spread across Technical Writers.

You now have 4 clicks to spend after getting every possible click-related resource. Happy running. (And after extensive testing with Chaos Theory, yes, this deck archtype can hold its own against many corps).

19 Nov 2015 TrungusWungus

What's the point when we can't play this out of draft format?

19 Nov 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Is that what draft means? That they're not official? I never learned what draft was exactly. I assumed these were spoiled IDs or something.

19 Nov 2015 PeterCapObvious

When was Jamie released? Never seen him before

19 Nov 2015 LynxMegaCorp

He won't be. I just didnt know that draft = not playable, ever. Sad face.

19 Nov 2015 TKO

Cards from Draft packs can't be used in constructed decks and vice-versa. They technically are spoiled id's, but they're for use in drafting.

19 Nov 2015 LynxMegaCorp

So whats wrong with making decks for these IDs if they will be released? So far Trungus and someone else seem so against it.

19 Nov 2015 Mechanoise

@Lynx Kuroneko Drafting is not like standard deck building, so much so it has its own set of rules to normal gameplay. Draft decks are not legal in any 'normal' game.

Drafting is done with a specific pool of cards, which are distributed among a group of players evenly. Each player looks through the chosen cards, chooses 1 card to add to their deck, then passes the rest of the cards to the player on their left. You would then receive a new set of cards from the player to your right, and you rinse and repeat until all cards are chosen.

The exciting thing about drafting is it's all about building workable decks with the cards you're given. Influence is maximum, and you can use out-of-faction agendas. You have to study all the cards you see, as you know the cards you pass up will likely go to someone else.

The reason @TrungusWungus is saying your deck post is [paraphrasing] 'Pointless' is not out of disrespect, it's because you will not have 'this much' control in draft deck. Notice how the ID has an infinite influence, and his ability is linked to having more Shaper cards than other factions- would seem kind of odd as a normal ID would naturally have more Shaper cards than others factions.

But hey, if you're just posting this out of fun, go nuts!
Hope that helps - the more you know ^^

19 Nov 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Thanks for the explanation - I remembered what it was from the MTG scene.

So these IDs will never be 45/15s essentially, just being cooler draft IDs instead of the Masque and such. Again unfortunate. :/ Sticking to CT for now. :)

19 Nov 2015 Mechanoise

@Lynx Kuroneko You got it. Basically these IDs are to add a little variety, as well as additional planning thoughts into deck construction. Sadly, they will not be part of the main roster, and in some ways I'm glad of that - Buzz would basically kill Exile.

19 Nov 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Hopefully their abilities c

19 Nov 2015 LynxMegaCorp

You're right about that. Hopefully these exact abilities show up as hardware or something, perhaps a new line of 'generic in-faction oriented' consoles? Though Hayley with Buzz's ability would be bonkers.