Pirate Geist

Pinsel 2590

a pirate "geist"

This is the Pirate Geist I built. In general it makes very precise runs to steal agendas. In the meantime, it works like a credit denial deck, playing siphon over and over again. I briefly explain the card choices and which function they fulfill.

Corporate Grant, DoF: These cards put the economy of the corp under a lot of pressure. Since you install a card every turn, it is basically reverse EtF. In conjuction with siphon, you can keep the corp in a lock, being too poor to play any economy, and unable to stop the siphon spam. By dragging out the game, spy cams eventually win the game. The pirate breakers also make siphon a lot better, since you rarely loose tempo to deny credits, and it is almost impossible to stop. And with less money, the corp can't build a huge remote to tax you out.

Falsified Credentials: This card provides credits in the early game, before tech traders are online. It also allows you to check naked remotes without wasting a click, and gives credits to kill an important asset. The expose effect is very significant in this deck against ICE'd remotes. It reveals defensive upgrades that you need to beat, it disables NGO bluffs to bait dinosaurs and you can easily steal unadvanced agendas, knowing that you can sacrifice a lot to get in.

Aumakua, Femme, Amina: Even though the pirate breakers are great at breaking ICE, you still want a consistent way to break ICE. Femme can break every sentry (you are rich enough to pay 6 for news hound repeatedly) and it can deal with problematic ICE permanently (Surveyor, Tollbooth). Amina is a fantastic codegate breaker, beating every codegate for 4 credits. The credit denial makes it significantly better than abagnale, because you can reliably steal 2 credits from the corp. When you are clicking for 3 credits in a turn, this hurts a lot. Aumakua is just a great breaker, that can break almost everything that is expensive to break for femme. Any AI-hate is dealt with by dinosaurs. Usually you don't install femme or amina on your first run through the deck (but spycam/credentials information can change that)

Gamble, Legwork: Gamble boosts your early game, especially when you have to deal with scarcity. It pays for the early hopper to find tech traders. Even later, spending a click for 4 credits is still good. It is the worst event that I play, and peddlers prohibit playing too many events. With all the credit denial/remote sniping this deck can do, agendas tend to accumulate in hand. Legwork can get them for you. Single accessing HQ is not advised if you have to pay with dinosaurs for it.

Spycamera: This checks R&D while you play siphon over and over again. The synergy with geist and tech traders is obviously good and dinosaurs make it easy to get in.

Fall Guy, sportshopper, peddler, tech trader: The backbone of this deck. They get you deep into your deck and make money to pay for the other installs. Eventually you want to have 3 tech traders installed. After that feel free to play levy even if a significant amount of cards is left in your stack. All of these cards are quite versatile, e.g you can survive a turn with tags by making the corp poor and protecing tech traders/SOT with fall guys. Sportshopper gives up to 3 link against traces (CtM), and peddlers can trigger grant in the corp's turn.

Grappling hook, gbahali, kongamoto: These are borrowed from pirate hayley: They handle the corp's ICE very efficiently and allow you to use spycam/credentials information or siphon without having to bother which ICE exactly the corp has installed. They also replace themselves via Geist's ID, so you never run out of ways to break ICE. Gbahali and hook are the stronger ones and beat every ICE in conjuction. Kongamato just fills the gaps and should be used first or to make money.

A single SOT is enough for me, you just have to be less greedy with peddlers if it is in the bin.

Maybe I should play a maxwell james, I am just not sure what to cut for it. Play the deck to get used to the different matchups. It is particularly good against Mti: Spycams and grant don't trigger the ID, levy+Geist give you enough cards for obokata, siphon makes it hard to threaten big, scary ICE, which you can easily break anyway.

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