
fs1973 57

This is my newest take on the Chaos Theory deck. I've been struggling, build after build, to achieve balance with this deck, sometimes it lacks economy and in other moments it hasn't enough tutoring. Let me explain this new build.

Magnum Opus is obviously my main econ engine and alongside it i'll run Daily Casts for drip economy and Kati Jones for huge long term cash intakes. Lucky Find and Sure Gamble are my burst econ cards. I believe it's enough, due to my choice of icebreakers. Dagger and Refractor are both stealth and with Silencer, Lockpick and Ghost Runner i'll be running almost exclusively on recurring credits. I'll need money to charge my Snowball, eventually Atman and for counter tracing, which is the weakest side of this deck. SMC's and hopefully Astrolabe will help me dig this deck. For recursion, i'll have Clone Chips for Programs and Same Old Thing for events. Finally Legwork and The Maker's Eye for multi-acess runs that can win me the game.

My doubts. First i had Dinossaurus instead of Astrolabe, but the draw ability and the cheap install made me switch. Instead of SOT i could run 3 more copies of each breaker or even Test Run. Instead of Legwork i could run E3 Feedback Implants, to save on stealth credits.

Any thoughts appreciated :)

19 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With the amount of money you are raking in do you need the stealth suite? If you lost the stealth components you could bring in some more draw, and possibly some damage prevention. These seem to be the obvious holes I see.

On the flip-side, you could lose a little econ since the stealth suite supports itself pretty effectively.

When it comes out, look into Study Guide. Decks that can generate consistent, efficient cash make it a really viable breaker.