Kaplan's Hardware Emporium

Trithne 9

Yet another Hayley Chameleon London Library deck. More of a focus on recurring credits to beef up Study Guide, and using Femme Fatale as the first action, going onto the Library for free, giving us a Str 5 Sentry breaker with 3 LLDS out, as well as a bypass effect on a problem ICE, and a then installing a Str 6 Chameleon for breaking Barriers.

26 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

What are you feeding Aesop's Pawnshop with? Your Inside Men after you've installed everything? Doesn't seem worth two slots to me.

If you want recurring creds for Study Guide just use Lockpick and save yourself 3 influence. It's also a way easier card for Hayley to play.

You have a ton of things to install; I'd consider some Personal Workshops instead of the Aesop's. That way you can install two resources on your turn and two hardware on the corp's turn.

I'd also consider Quality Time over Earthrise Hotel; with the speed at which you are going to burn through your hand you are hardly ever going to have to chuck anything into the bin. Earthrise is 1 for a single extra card, spread out over 3 turns. It doesn't get you cards now, which seems to be what Hayley usually wants.

Test Run is probably superfluous with the redundancy you have in your breakers. These could be Diesels, Sure Gambles, Moddeds, or even Easy Marks if you switch Logos for Box-E (Easy Mark is stellar in Hayley hardware rush decks).

26 Jun 2015 Trithne

I've been oscillating between Aesop's and Personal Workshop. Once I actually get some test games in I'll decide. Personally I've been leaning towards Workshop, but it's just not in the published iteration.

I took Cyberfeeder over Lockpick to have the recurring credits available for breaking subs on the other breakers too as necessary, but a lot of these cards are leftovers from a much more recurring credit-heavy build.

I like your thoughts on card draw - I was drawing a blank on what to use there, Quality Time is almost certainly better.