Silent Killer

w1kk 22

The idea is to destroy all the ICE the corp gets down and then you can just run any server cheaply. The expose ability on Silhouette is usted to check servers and ice, and to know what to forged activate so it gets trashed. I would appreciate help improving the deck, as I'm not sure this idea is working as well as intended. Do you people think it's viable?

12 Jun 2014 Vithar

I would kill the crescentus's. i think you will run into MU issues later game and they will be a dead draw. i would drop em and maybe grab a couple faeries to replace the ninja/cresc. or double up on the central breakers and add a faerie or two instead of cresc and ninja. otherwise, playtest some games and let me know how it's working out for you. i might just download it and give it a shot.

12 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

Same old thing would go a long way to helping ice destruction with fao, also snitch Cortez chip is surprisingly good here too. Cortez chip is almost too good with fao. I get crescentuses and e shutdown, I think it's a good denial system. I'd like to see Datasucker or wyrm if you could get the money to support it

12 Jun 2014 w1kk

Cortez chip sure is nice @x3r0h0ur, but I would need space for Snitch, otherwise it's usefulness diminishes (although it's still nice i think). Same old thing I replaced with Deja vu, thinking I could get back FAO or Parasite, so it pulls double duty (and it's still 2 clicks), but maybe if I played SOT I could use everything even more times. I think I'll try Cortez Chips instead of Kraken first, to make it more consistent in selective ICE destruction, and see if I can pull something out for SOT, but deck space really is tight. Maybe removing Crescentus, as you suggested @Vithar, because that would let me use ES once more if needed. I'll playtest and comment later.

13 Jun 2014 w1kk

I run the deck with the changes, and Cortez Chip was awesome. Just having it in play mande the corp wary and they clicked for money more often to reman safe. I also played SOT and you were right, it's much needed, it saved me when I hay spent my FAO and let me kill the ice when I couldn't otherwise. The underperformers were Armitage Codebusting and Legwork. I think maybe HQI is better here, and something less click intensive than armitage would be nice, but I don't know what yet.

13 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

Heres where I landed after a bit of debate. Drawing on my experience playing Anatomy of Anarchy, using AI breakers to ensure access on siphon is a big benefit. Sucker and parasite are really good, clone chip helps you recur overmind/parasite/grappling hook, which all play sexy together. No plascrete so you have to be very aggressive on money and dodge tags as best you can (plascrete could go in if it becomes competitive).

criminal ice destruction

Silhouette: Stealth Operative (Honor and Profit)

Event (13)

Hardware (10)

Resource (6)

Icebreaker (3)

Program (8)

15 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to Honor and Profit

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I've wanted 3 desperado and some card draw, but I don't think I can find the room, which makes me iffy about plascrete.....

13 Jun 2014 w1kk

I get what you built there, but are you sure 3 Overmind is enough? You have at best 4 counters, which means only 4 ICE, if you have implants out, if not it's much worse. You would need to destroy A LOT of ice to get away with that. How has it done in testing?

I was thinking about using Clone Chip too, I only used the Déjà Vu on parasite, and for that the chips are better. Maybe I'll test some of your choices, but I would be glad to hear how it did for you.

14 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

I can imagine there being a shortage of ice, and enough siphon to keep them too poor to rez relevant peices. My 1 game with it ended very fast because the corp got flooded, I wrecked both ice on HQ and R&D and just ate him up. So, hard to say if overmind would be enough. The idea is to use clonechip and the three copies if I must, but running with parasite and datasucker only saves lots of overmind chips. I play it like anarch basically.

14 Jun 2014 w1kk

I will be testing it without krakens. I'm playing with crash space instead, to be safe from scorched. I'll tell you how it goes. If I get to many problems with Overmind I'll try with something else.