[Throwback] To all my gunslingers - 2nd @ EMEA TTT

koga 3001

Criminal is the vibe for me this season, I think you know it already. I was vibing so much with the faction that I ended up bringing custom Criminal cards with me to EMEA for a little gunslinging side event.

First things first: tempest, I can't thank you enough. You helped me here and there with the cards and acted as the perfect sounding board for ideas. I'm ecstatic about all the energy you showed and how much you enjoyed playing with and against what my mind has produced.

My gunslingers: Aksu, Angelbot5000, Gathzen, Girometrics, Nico, Sasha, krysdreavus, seal and everyone whose name I missed. Thank you so, so much, your feedback is priceless. Knowing you spent time playing this side event instead of doing whatever else means a lot to me and I really hope you enjoyed it. There's more to come.

If you couldn't make it to EMEA or are interested in trying out the premade decks yourself, you can find them here. I have already received feedback about them not being exactly how people would've built them, so feel free to experiment and let me know how it goes.

The set I'm working on is developed with a pool of Gateway-onwards cards in mind. The decks I brought contained cards from the Standard format for sake of simplicity.

Note: this is not affiliated with NSG and future official releases of sets. If you're interested in helping shape the future of the game, please check out this page.

My DMs are always open, you can find me on Discord @polpiantina

12 Jul 2024 Council

Ayo get sniped

12 Jul 2024 Council

Getting to playtest these cards was an incredible priviledge.

Your creativity seems to have no end :)

Also love NSG design even more now that I know how hard and tricky dev can be

12 Jul 2024 sealgo

Thanks for putting in the effort indeed! Trying out these new cards was indeed incredibly fun to me, and i love how you managed to give the criminal feel a different spin in this prof deck! please keep publishing updates if you ever do some, or other factions ;)

12 Jul 2024 awildturtok

I don't think I ever told you this at emea, but when I approached you about casting I was rather more curious how the show is run than actually wanting to cast myself. Being the ever shy person I couldn't say no, and actually had a great amount of fun. In a surprising twist I am actually really happy our misunderstanding led to me casting on Sunday.

I am still baffled by your comfortable introduction and fluent presentation. You did such a great job of introducing the casters while managing this weird and complicated thing that was held together by a phone tagged with "no touching pls"

Tysm ❤️🙏❤️🙏