Start up mercury (speed of sound)

souptime 15

welcome to the new start up format with liberation! Mercury: Chrome Libertador has a super useful early game ability to gain additional accesses on HQ and RnD so long as you didn't break any subroutines. in the first few turns its basically free but once the corp ices up centrals we're gonna start having a harder time dealing with that so we've got a frankly ridiculous amount of "bypass" effects to make our life easier!

Inside Job is the simplest card; run a server, skip the first I.C.E. S-Dobrado is a more late game option, skip the first I.C.E, then if someone's got more than 4 points you can spend a click to skip the second I.C.E too! Backstitching lets us bypass any I.C.E we want with the caveat that it has to be on our mark server. Abagnale is useful for both A. firing it at a code gate to skip it or if we run out of bypass abilities and have to break stuff. Femme Fatale exists for the same reason. Curupira exists as our barrier breaker. Laser Pointer is our last bypass piece. able to blind AP, destroyer, or observer I.C.E. our last interesting card for ice is Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga. its not quite a bypass effect but if we cant skip the first piece of I.C.E we can still effectively shut it off by making all of its subroutines turn into "take a damage"

to help us recur all of those fancy programs we've got 2 copies of Retrieval Run.

our econ consists mostly of "click for an amount of credits" events with the obvious 3 of Sure Gamble and 2 Dirty Laundry. Career Fair makes our resources cheaper and well mostly be using it to cheat out Earthrise Hotel and Red Team we can sort of get away with a mildly small econ package because a lot of what we'll be doing is skipping past I.C.E we don't have to worry as much about paying for our breakers.

lastly we've got a few fancy tech cards: No free lunch for dealing with tags, Sneakdoor Beta incase the corp decides that placing I.C.E on archives is optional.