RH in a cheap suit (3-1 at asNYCh Holiday CO)

xdg 194

Cheap Suits!

This is AugustusCaesar's RH in an ill fitting suit and fake mustache (9th@Uk Nats), with the recommended -1 NGO +1 anoetic. See that writeup for piloting instructions. The name is so wonderfully awkward, I've been calling it "RH in a cheap suit" instead.

The deck went 3-1 in the asNYCh Holiday tournament, with 2 flatlines and 1 Bac Pro Big Deal for a win (after I fell 4 credits short of another flatline). The one loss was to Aurates, who played super carefully and I had the wrong agendas in the wrong order in the early game.

Congrats to Aurates for the CO win, and to LambroCalrissian for our 2nd-place tie with identical SoS and ESoS!

Many thanks to Augustus and the rest of the TAI Breakers for piloting advice and practice games!

9 Jan 2024 HaverOfFun

Really awesome job!!! was awesome to follow along ur asynch tournament rise up the ladder and congrats on the placement!