Vent man strikes again: 2-2 @ Cascadia

cablooshe 325

How I imagine the Ag and Ob matchups will go once I play them

I'm a huge believer in Direct Access, especially for crim. It blocks a bunch of common rigshooting methods, and can deal with a wide range of IDs that crim can really hate.

  • No more redirects with Ag
  • Sports tempo can get really cut if they do the classic "throw a few agendas to the runner to get tempo to win out".
  • Ob is very sad.
  • no more Pravdivost counters
  • Uhh no more Tatu-Bola tricks with Asa Group and A Teia? I'm running out of stuff to talk about here.

Sure you lose your Ken credit but with the rest of the setup you can get a click, get an alternative credit, make it a free event and charge twinning.

Everything else in the deck was built to try and rush down the fast HB lists.

Some side notes:

  • Turtle anti-synergy with Security Testing is very sad. I added turtle late into the construction so didn't realize it until during the tournament that it wouldn't charge. Still think Sec Testing is good tho as synergy with Dirty Laundry (if you take it over Embezzle), Bahia Bands and Concerto.
  • I'm also a big believer in 3rd Pinhole Threading, but didn't put it in for this one. Probably should have though as it's extremely important into the Azmari matchup to get rid of Holo Man or Djupstad Grid. That cost me a game.
  • Hermes is bonkers and shoulda been the console. Swift is cool but it really should just be hermes unless I decide to drop The Twinning and go even harder on events.

Things I learned over the course of Cascadia prep + the tournament itself:

  • Prepping for an in-person tournament with giant lists isn't great if you decide last minute that you don't want to shuffle that much.
  • Atman is unfortunately dead and my KatMan will probably never come to be due to how expensive it is.
  • Aumakua synergizes with Maw so that's cool.
  • Cupellation + Rip Deal can get you the Cup back +2 additional cards. HUGE COMBO.
  • Signal Jamming exists.
  • Whistleblower doesn't work against Fujii Asset Retrieval this resource is about to be completely useless once rotation happens lol.

Huge shoutout to everyone who I met at Cascadia this year. Amazing tournament run by some amazing people. I got to meet a ton of new folks, had a blast both days of the event, and now have a backlog of jank ideas to test for the future. See y'all at worlds!