Chaos Sageshop

dr00 171

Someone on the Netrunner Geeks facebook page requested a link to a Sage / Overmind deck, and I was happy to oblige.

This started as an experiment to get Sage to work. I have since changed -1 Scavenge + Overmind (and will invariably make further tweaks). I feel that this deck would run well with Nasir, but I'm terrible at piloting him and never really got it to work with him.

About the console. Even though I love Dinosaurus (and in a CT deck no less), I didn't like needing it to be out first for Sage (or having to use Scavenge later on). Deep Red was the next choice, and it seemed like a good one: 1 cheaper for 1 less strength and the flexibility of installing it whenever i drew it. Box-E is again 1 less strength, but the extra hand size makes early Stimhack less painful. Dinosaurus does free up for Overmind, so it's not a bad choice by any means. I think I'll probably go back at some point and try to make it work.

MemStrips should be thrown onto Personal Workshop and paid for whenever you need them in the middle of a run. e3 Feedback Implants for obvious synergy with all of your breakers. Creeper may seem an odd inclusion with any link, but, with e3, it's cheaper than Femme Fatale and only 1 more expensive than Garrote to break sentries, plus it saves on influence. The it takes isn't going to break anything generally (a full rig still allows for a 12-strength Sage and 12 counters on every Overmind reset).

Test Run pulls double duty in this deck and acts like a Self-modifying Code and Clone Chip. You can install Overmind with it, run and be wasteful with your counters, knowing it'll go on top of your stack at the end of the turn. Earthrise Hotel was chosen specifically for the clickless draw of getting your Test Run programs out more quickly.

Feedback Filter and Plascrete Carapace are mostly meta dependent. I normally run Deus X in Shaper, but without Clone Chips, Feedback Filter seemed more safe.

Data Folding is great. It can be installed first turn and start earning money right away. By the time you run out of memory, you should have Box-E out to keep it going.

About piloting this deck: First turn Sure Gamble, Test Run into Overmind is a solid play. I almost always get Overmind before the other breakers if I'm worried about facechecking. Starting with 4 counters is pretty strong too.

Once you get out Personal Workshop, load MemStrips and R&D Interface onto it. I never hard install them unless I know the exact strength I'll need to break something. I then build what I need mid run. Need more strength on Sage? Install some MemStrips. Get to R&D with credits leftover? Install R&D Interface. You can also reset Overmind mid-run.

The goal is to load up Personal Workshop, then burst econ with Stimhack to get your rig out as quickly as possible, installing Data Folding as soon as you get them; mulligan for Data Folding: it's seriously that good. Once the rig gets up and running, runs become relatively cheap since you're breaking low strength ICE with Overmind tokens and high-strength ICE without having to boost Sage. Creeper takes care of all the expensive sentries (and Swordsman) you can't break with Overmind. By this point, Data Folding should be providing 3 every turn, supplementing your cheaper runs.