max deck

bblum 5029

6 Feb 2015 Myriad

Pretty meat and potatoes, so it seems like it would be pretty effective. I understand the inclusion of Atman in this build, but I don't necessarily like it.

I guess your main play is Atman/sucker recursion with the ability to punt out your other breakers when you need them? Is Atman specifically to set at 4 and break Lotus Field and flex to break 5 str ICE when you need it to? It almost seems more viable to run inject to speed up your draw to the point where your clone chip becomes a tutor for Atman, at least until you snag the Atman rather than waste the card slots on extras of Yog.0 and Mimic. Corroder seems solid as a 2 of for the NEH match up.

Big ups on the Kati inclusion though. I still am mystified why most MaxX decks are running Liberated over her at the moment. Queen's Gambit also seems good and no doubt will continue to be good in the meta for the foreseeable future.

6 Feb 2015 bblum

I'm not sold on atman either, and have never actually installed it so far. 1x or 2x zu.13 would be fine, with special order and/or lucky find filling out the other influence. Atman doesn't need to be the first breaker installed; you just find/clonechip what you need after face checking, just enough to connect with the high-impact multi.

Liberated would be fine if there was room in the deck. It's far slower than QG but worth more creds overall. I'd rather have it vs glacier for example.

6 Feb 2015 moistloaf

dude you spelled maxx wrong bro

7 Feb 2015 bluebird503

@Myriad I believe people aren't running Kati because they are often floating tags in other lists and playing a more aggressive approach to Maxx.