
Gakochun 8

8 May 2014 bubo

Can you explain how this deck functions? I'm having difficulty trying to figure it out.

I'm taking a guess here, but this looks to be some kind of flat line deck. However, the only damage is contained in the traps. If flatline is one of the primary win conditions, then the ICE mixture really needs to include damage as well, or at least force accesses via Inazuma and some Archive trapping to take advantage of Susanoo-No-Mikoto. This deck also needs some kind of direct damage to finish off a damaged Runner, either through Neural EMP, Ronin, or by importing some of Weyland's operations. If flatline is not a primary win condition, then there are too many card slots dedicated to trap damage here.

I have a couple of different concerns regarding Plan B. First of all, your Agendas are all 5 advancement tokens, which means you can't spring a Plan B on the turn that you drop it. When a Runner sees a card advanced 5 times over multiple turns, but not scored, then the most common thought is that it is a trap. The Runner will then either ignore it, or try to expose it if they have that capability. In addition, with the sheer number of traps in this deck it is unlikely that you'll get a second Plan B triggered even if the Agenda costs were within range.

I would recommend looking at Shi.Kyu and hiding it with tokens from Mushin no Shin. This will force the Runner into choosing between taxing the hand or forcing them to steal one additional Agenda over what you need to win. The Mushin tokens would be wasted, of course, unless you bring in Trick of Light to move the tokens around.

Medical Research Fundraiser concerns me because it brings both players to Phase 3 faster. There are ways to mitigate this advancement, but none of those methods are present here. Considering that MRF is only 1 credit more than Hedge Fund, it would likely be a better choice to go with Hedge Fund here. Celebrity Gift would also work if you're looking for recovery from a low credit situation, but it may not be the best choice considering the trappy nature of this deck.

Caprice Nisei and Susanoo-No-Mikoto are both Unique cards, so do we really need 3 of each in this deck?

Is Matrix Analyzer worth the influence in this deck? With 4 cost agendas, Matrix Analyzer allows for a fairly effective Never Advance strategy, but the Runner would have to hit 2 Matrix Analzyer per turn to give the same effect here. It may be possible to play an advanced shell game between Mushin no Shin and Matrix Analzyer within the same pair of turns, but that really feels gimmicky and difficult to control.