StimHack Draft Cube CORP: Earth's Scion

bluebird503 1981

As always please leave me feedback here or stimhack forums.

Corp Starter

One of the main issues that Corp has been having is a good strong start. Runners can apply extremely early pressure just by clicking to run putting Corporations on the backfoot from turn 1. The starter economy provided by Private Contracts is not enough so I am switching the starters to Hedge Funds for now. If feedback is negative it can return to Private Con or we can try something like Beanstalk. Hedge Funds are nice since they are promos, in multiple cores, and in Worlds Decks. Also they are just generally strong auto includes. This early boost to corps accross the board should improve games and hopefully remove some number of nongames where runner gets to 6 immediately.


-1 Philotic Engtanglement +1 Successful Field Test -1 Advanced Concept Hopper +1 Graft -1 New Construction +1 Oaktown Renovation -1 Vanity Project +1 Corporate Sales Team -1 capital investors +1 marilyn campaign -1 eliza's toybox +1 marilyn campaign -1 political dealings +1 commercial bankers group -1 chimera +1 hostile infrastructure -1 willowisp +1 ben musashi -1 marked acc +1 estelle moon -3 Hedge Fund(moved 2 hedge to each of the starters) +3 IPO -1 beanstalk royalties +1 pad campaign -1 psychokenesis +1 tech startup -1 succ. demo +1 mumba temple -1 medical res. fund +1 turtlebacks -1 interns +1 friends in high places -1 red herrings +1 sandburg -1 medical res fund. +1 ultraviolet clearance -1 power shutdown +1 illegal arms factory -1 subliminal messaging +1 kplynn -1 biotic labor +1 oberth protocol -1 wotan +1 battlement -1 janus +1 colossus -3 Oversight AI +1 kp lynn +2 dedicated response teams -1 false lead +1 quantum predictive model -1 interns +1 biotic labor -1 datapike +1 hortum -1 hadrians wall +1 eli 1.0 +1 Seidr adapt. barrier +1 kakugo -1 paper wall -1 heimdall 2.0 -2 markus 1.0 +2 seidr adaptive barrier -1 waiver +1 watchtower -1 him. bako +1 ice wall -1 lycan -1 Flare +2 tour guide -1 fenris +1 veritas -1 hunter +1 thoth

9 Jun 2017 servas

Just great you are still keeping this updated! Thank you for the work, I love playing it!

(Note to self: Have to work on updating my old singleton cube too, should be a lot better and easier to build nowadays)

9 Jun 2017 servas

I´ll just add a short description for ppl unfamiliar with what you are supposed to do with this pile of cards so that more ppl can experience this great way of playing Netrunner (correct me if I got it all wrong). I´ll just explain "normal" drafting, but of course there´s other methods to get to your final 40 cards.

  1. Randomly pile all cards into "packs" of 10 cards, face down
  2. Give 4 packs to each player but keep the packs seperated and face down, not looking at any cards.
  3. Every player looks at all 10 cards of 1 pack and chooses 1 card out of it to keep, then all players pass the remaining 9 cards in one direction (let´s start clockwise)
  4. Keep on choosing 1 card and passing the rest on in the same direction untill all of the 10 cards per pack are distributed
  5. Now every player picks up the next pack of 10 cards and the process is repeated. Only difference is that this time you pass the remaining cards in the other direction (that would be counterclockwise if you started clockwise).
  6. The remaining 2 packs are drafted the same way, just keep alternating the direction of passing the packs on
  7. You then add the following cards to the 40 cards you drafted: Priority Requisition x5 Private Contracts x2
  8. Build a deck with the draft identity and all the cards you drafted plus the "starter cards under 7. Note that the ID is just 30 cards minimum and with unlimited influence, so basically you can play any card you like, you just have to fulfill the usual agenda points requirement (14-15 points for a 30 to 34 cards deck)

So yeah, try it out and have great fun!

9 Jun 2017 bluebird503

Cool, nice description Servas.

9 Jun 2017 Klopstock

Also important to note: Games only go to 6 points, not 7.

9 Jun 2017 servas

Oh, right, totally forgot about that little detail ;-) But now all the info should be right here

19 Jun 2017 ZiNOS

I think that you must change the 2X Private Contracts to 2X Hedge Fund in your starter packs description.

19 Jun 2017 Klopstock

No. Hedge Funds are far too good for those basic cards. Thy are just there, in case you do not get anything at all. And Hedge Funds would be far too strong and generically useful for that role.

19 Jun 2017 ZiNOS

@Klopstock Actually this is what he sais at the first paragraph of the description. "The starter economy provided by Private Contracts is not enough so I am switching the starters to Hedge Funds for now. If feedback is negative it can return to Private Con or we can try something like Beanstalk. Hedge Funds are nice since they are promos, in multiple cores, and in Worlds Decks. Also they are just generally strong auto includes."

19 Jun 2017 Klopstock

I don't know about that. I get the logic, but from my draft experience, Private Contracts are fine. Yes, Corps tend to be weaker, but I don't know if there are not other ways to improve them (like include Jackson Howard for everyone? Not three, but one, maybe?). But, yeah, it might work with Hedge Fund. And since Draft is not official, do what works best and is the most fun for you :)

And reading my last comment again, it comes across ruder than I intended, sorry about that.

21 Jun 2017 ZiNOS

@Klopstock no need to be sorry. Cheers m8.