Kate the Great - My runner deck

Waltzard 405

I don't have a lot of interest in the runner side of netrunner. I'm all about corping. Still, if I wanted to get out of swiss purgatory I needed a runner that would win half the time. Enter this Kate deck.

If there is a bland-off championship, this would win it. If you want to teach someone to run, this is a fine deck for that.

Draw: 3 Disel, 3 earthrise Money: Resource money for the most part. Silver bullets: Rumor mill beats glaciers, Film critics are a huge help vs red and yellow, NACH is good vs yellow. Clot: We have that

Breakers: Here are some good ones, this is a 3 breaker/2 tutor setup, which is pretty ok with all the draw

Playing instructions:

Your #1 priority is to get your money drip going. You want to find drip and install it as fast as you can. Vs a fast corp you might have to start building a rig quicker than you like, but vs. slow decks just let them get a lead and work on econ.

Once you have the money advantage just run wherever. You'll probably win because you can break their ice to stop slow advance, and clot for FA.

General Pointers:

No need to play the other 2 rabbit holes if you are just trying to activate your underworld contacts. Only play all 3 vs yellow.

Rumor Mill is best held in hand, in case they slap down a Jackson and leave stuff in trash, or try and use a unique card or put a current on you.

Vs Glacier: In general, you have a strong matchup vs glacier with this deck. You will make so much money, that eventually you will be able to beat their ice, and they can't fix that with upgrades because rumor mill.

Vs Yellow: Yellow is a rough matchup for anyone, and that is still true for this deck. You can eventually achieve lockdown (critics protecting NACH which stops them from tagging, etc.), but they have often either scored out or tag swamped you before that happens. You are racing for setup in this mathup

Vs IG This deck loses to IG.

Vs CI7 Clots and rumor mills are all you have to help you with this matchup. Gotta try and contest the early score, because they WILL combo out if you let them get a few points up on you.

That's it. This is a very generic runner deck. If your corp can't > 50% this deck you might need to fix your corp.