Poor Clone Running Wild (1.01)

chazak 9

This is my Ken Tenma deck built with a single Core Set and single copy of Honor and Profit. I just threw in most of interesting events I could have, along a few cards that support them nicely. I have been playing this online for a few weeks and it does surprisingly well. It took me a while to learn how to play this, but I think it is a fairly interesting approach - and I did not see anything remotely similar on Jinteki.

The core of your economy engine are 2 Public Terminals and Security Testing + Desperado. This makes you play all runs for free, and secure 3 free creds every turn in most matchups. Additional money comes from Gambles and Armitages, but I tend to hoard them in my hand or just leave on the table until I REALLY need cash - which is not very often. Oracle May works as your draw/economy engine if it is timed after you get your rig in shape. You just use it always as an event draw. Although you got Special Orders and can get this second copy of a breaker, trashing your Desperado and Terminals hurts you irrecoverably. Motivation would probably improve Oracle a lot - but I don't own it yet ;)

Breakers are pretty standard considering I got one Core and H&P. I rarely find use for Killers on remotes, and when I do, I have Inside Job to bypass stuff there. I tried to run Femme for the token, but she is usually too expensive to put out and doesn't do much. On the other hand, Alias is usually crazy cheap and effective - it makes your Legworks and Maker's Eyes a breeze.

Also - slap that Sneakdoor in the endgame and just pound their HQ for as long as you can. In worst scenario, this will thin their ICE as they desperately try to cover Archives, in best it just wins games.

All comments obviously are appreciated, since this is my first deck built all by myself.

8 Oct 2015 syntaxerror111

Oracle May may be a bit unreliable for you, as it wont work on average more than 60% of the time. If you still want to run her as a 1 of you might want to look at this deck as a starting point: netrunnerdb.com

Its an exact copy of the deck I ran and won a GNK earlier this year. Since you don't have access to hostage, consider running logos as the console. It can help you tutor the oracle, breakers, or other resources from the deck, making her more consistent. I like the idea of a deck made only from 1 core and 1 expansion- its a good starting point for players with a small card pool to work from.

12 Oct 2015 chazak

@syntaxerror111 thanks for advice :) I played your deck online and it goes great - it's definitely more reliable thank this one. I'll check out how can I go in that direction :)