Regass Val - Desperado v0.1 867

This is my first draft of a non-combo-y Val deck that just uses normal breakers to get into places with Blackmail as a super-Inside Job. I'm hoping Paige Piper will do a lot to help this strategy out - at MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY it'll filter 13(!) extra copies of cards out of your stack (2x Paige, Kati, Symmetrical Visage, Corroder, Mimic; 1x Yog.0, Medium, Desperado) and probably more if it turns out using it for Parasite is correct as well. The main thing I'm concerned with at the moment is economy - I'm not sure this will be enough, even with Desperado, bad publicity and Datasucker making your runs more efficient. It's also pretty draw light, relying heavily on Paige Piper to filter out multiples and Symmetrical Visage to make the draws more efficient. It's very possible switching Visage to Earthrise is a better option.

17 Apr 2015 sruman

Since desperado is such a great console the 5th memory is very important given 3 breakers + datasucker(s) + medium/imp/parasite/d4v1d, I would suggest -- cut 1 clone chip, reaplace gordian blade for zu and add 1 desperado.

18 Apr 2015

That's exactly what I've done in my latest version actually! It's tricky though, I'm finding it really difficult to have the right amount of both money AND draw in here.