Lunch break job

marameleo 18

Win before the lunch break ends or die trying (might not work against most archetypes)

5 Dec 2014 merrja

You might want a console, mate. With all those run events, maybe chuck in a Desperado or two? You might even consider swapping Silhouette out for Ken "Express" Tenma - I find he tends to be even faster, which seems better for a lunch break deck.

6 Dec 2014 marameleo

Thanks for the suggestions. I actually wanted to make a Ken "Express" Tenma at first but for some reason I ended up using Silhouette, probably because of the flavor text in the ID lol. I won't know for sure until I try both, but so far this has been the fastest runner deck I ever used, with the (pretty huge) downsides that I have no protection against some very popular cars and that my resources are limited. With only 40 card I see the tools I need early enough to keep the pressure high from the start, and being able to know what unrezzed ice is in front of R&D or if a Jackson is in play helps me ensure successful multiaccess runs during the first turns. Another idea is that should I ever get to late game without dying to meat or net damage, I still have a chance to grab the last points I need with a Crypsis on Stimhack, but at that point I really need to know what's in that remote server. Desperate is such a good card, I used to run 2 copies. It's a great investment that pays off very quickly but not fast enough for this deck so I decided to sacrifice it and use those slots for more burst economy. I am actually considering removing the Sneakdoor Beta as well for a third sure gamble since it's there just for triggering a shutdown or the ID's ability when the HQ gets too crowded, but that can be done with the central brakers as well given enough money. However, half of the times I used it I also ended up sniping an agenda during the process, so I'm not sure yet. I'm sure I've been lucky, but so far I've won 4 games out of 4. Two lunch break games vs The Foundry, and a couple of casual games on OCTGN, once vs Making News (flooded with agendas) and once vs HB EtF. I look forward to playing against Weyland tag & bag and see what happens! One way or another, the match would end before lunch break for sure :)

I'm really interested in ideas to make non-MaxX decks that can consistently win within the first 10 turns, any suggestions are welcome!

14 Dec 2014 tyrellian

Maybe add Doppelganger and consider 2x Index, -2 Maker's Eye to get the maximum utility from an aggressive R&D run?