HB - Fishin' for Brains

Bangouda 6

14 Apr 2014 framweard

A bit low on ICE, innit?

Throw in some Paper Walls, Wall of Static, Enigma, etc. Cheap ICE that just forces them to answer to it.

Also, Janus is surprisingly porous to a keen runner. 3 clicks and a Brain Damage to get to a key server? Fine with me! You want to pop them with two or three brain damage ideally, which you'll never get with Janus. I'm not going to facecheck your servers if you're floating 15 creds, and BER means you telegraph Janus before hand and I won't run if I can't bust it.

I'd also go for the campaigns (Eve, Adonis, PAD). With so many traps out on the board, it's unlikely that they'll run frequently enough to get all your campaigns. And if you have Eve and Adonis out at the same time, it's probably going to cost the runner too much to trash both!

TL;DR moar econ, moar ICE, moar traps! Take out some of the signature HB stuff (Bioroid Research, etc) and replace it with tarps, econ, and ICE. In my humble opinion; I'm no expert. :)

15 Apr 2014 Bangouda

It is low on ice, but that's because I'm not overly concerned with them getting through (also why the ice is all so porous). I'm trying to get the runner a quick brain damage or two before they're ready for it, which will put them on the defensive for the rest of the game.

Janus is mainly meant as an early scary server with BER (who regularly floats 15 creds? hehe), and if they want to take a brain damage to get through, that's fine. Especially with PCS, I'm kind of ok if they want to trade an agenda for brain damage.

I want every run to seem extremely high stakes (misjudge and your brain hurts, moreso if I score a Sentinal early) and click intensive, using brain damage to get their card count down while I wait for an opportunity for a meat/net damage combo.

Econ has been an issue, and you're right, I've been considering trying a variant of this with campaigns instead of operations...