
Jackpot 35

A gimmicky little deck I've been having fun with thematically.

I have more time, you have less time. I'm not sure about a lot of the stuff in this deck, except some strategic and thematic elements. I like Director Haas a lot, her, with Efficiency Committee, Biotic Labour and Shipment From SanSan give really explosive turns to score out stupid agendas in a turn. Sometimes, The Director is enough if you have a server with an agenda in it for a turn, then four counters and score. Or, just her with Biotic labour and BAM, instant efficiency committee. Then you can try for the Mandatory Upgrades.

I chose bioroid ice because I liked the idea of making the runner lose clicks, in a previous iteration this deck had Turing and Enigma, but I'm not sure about it. That's also why I have Enhanced Login Protocol. I'm not sure about having more expensive ice or a completely different suite, I'm open to suggestions.

I'm interested in your opinions on Eliza's Toybox with ridiculous ice like Curtain Wall and Janus. Does letting the runner know which Ice I have give them a significant advantage and allow them to pound through and grab my Director or agenda?

How good are Green Level Clearance and Hedge fund in this deck? Is there something that makes me have a bonus for playing lots of operations?

I'm unsure of my identity too. I started out with custom biotics, using SanSan City Grid, but found rezzing that, Director Haas, and playing Biotic Labour in one turn gave me a massive drain on credits. I'll be testing this with NEXT deisgn, the foundry and Stronger together in the future.

19 May 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Accelerated Diagnostics and Reclamation Order both reward you somewhat for playing operations (or in the case of RO, for playing 3x of cards, which you are for your operations). Director Haas is really dangerous to play with bioroids. Yes, she's expensive to trash, but any runner that's awake is going to charge through your ice and take the bad stuff the second she's rezzed. For 2 AP and denying you a , there's essentially no scenario where it's not worth it. Now, if you are playing with Self-destruct...

If you want a safer version of The Haas, check out Haas Arcology AI. It combos really nicely with Shipment from SanSan. You might also replace the Shell Corporations with advanceable traps like Aggressive Secretary and Cerebral Overwriter; the ultimate role of bioroid ICE is to let the runner through, and shred them to pieces and creating scoring windows in the process. Nothing does that like trashing their entire program suite or crushing their ability to keep cards at the end of their turn.

You have 6 influence left. It's super lame, but three of those points need to be 3x Jackson Howard. The other three could be whatever, but Daily Business Show is mad good. The good news is both of these cards trigger ETF!

For any of these changes you need card slots, which is the real puzzle. 5/3 agendas can help a little; squeezing in Hades Fragment and some Priority Requisitions or something might do it. I admire the pipe dream that is 3x Efficiency Committee and 3x Mandatory Upgrades but I think it's a tad unrealistic.

Capital Investors is fantastic in ETF, that's a really great call. Equally fantastic in ETF is Architect. He is just a beautiful addition as he is amazing alone, and with ETF he lets you use your ability on the runner's turn as well. Using a trap to bait a run on a rezzed Architect that the runner can't break is mean-spirited and should be done at every opportunity.

Howler is great fun with bioroid-only decks, and also triggers ETF on the runner's turn, plus Architect can throw him onto the field again after he's been used.

There's a new bioroid coming out in the Old Hollywood that's the HB version of Archer, you can find the spoiler here.)

If you want to do an Eliza's Toybox deck, you'll have to do some major restructuring. You want cards like Lotus Field and Archer with medium to high costs, hard ETR, and the most important quality ICE can have: being inconvenient to deal with. You also want a decent collection of cheap ICE to get up and running. You mention trying a Foundry deck; Eliza's is great there as you can trigger the Foundry ability on your own turn as well as the runner's. It also bears mentioning that Director Haas sticks around a lot longer in this archetype.

If you really want to piss off the runner and encourage the runner to click through or just eat your subs, check out Midway Station Grid. I've seen a few weirdly successful bioroid decks running this; it's got a strange psychology to it at the very least.

TL;DR: I just wrote a treatise without a thesis and all my professors would be ashamed. You probably know all of this anyway, but hopefully it's helpful advice for someone!