Space Age Andy

Snake Eyes 4651


... And the Universe of Tomorrow

image Plaza

Featuring the Big Rig Criminal Deck you never knew you wanted so bad in your life.

High Flying Link.

Death Defying with a handy arrangement of Flashy Cars and Feedback Filters.

Rebirthing into the original aeronaught herself, Leela Patel!

Card synergies/strats to mention:

Temujin with anything is already confirmed nutso economy. I wanted to see if it was enough money to offset Desperado, and try out Doppelganger instead. The extra momentum from runs and security testing so far seems to make it alright. Getting to Temujin on RnD along with a Medium is extra nice, you can even just Security Test it on the first go, then dopplegang in for an extra deep dig.

Since there's so much link to pass around, adding in Underworld Contact isn't a ridiculous idea. You usually get one or two up early on, so they pay out quite a few credits.

HQ Interfaces and The Turning Wheel over Legwork because they synergize with Sneakdoor Beta and stay in play. Fisk Investment Seminar is a decent card in this, even if you are not overloading the Corp's hand. Sometimes if you are digging deep on RnD, you can use it at the start of your next turn to get the corp to draw up to the cards you've already seen, then hit RnD for some new targets... OR if you have easy enough access into HQ and possibly some HQIs up, you can do it to get fresh HQ targets.

Changes for the future: Once BOOM! comes out, add another Plascrete. Possibly take away a sports hopper to do so.